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yo_john117 said:

Regarding loop holes. I know they are there (although they didn't really cross my mind until people pointed them out). But other than being slightly annoying it's not a big deal at all. Plenty of TV shows and games have loop holes. Take for instance Dr. Who, which is one of my favorite TV shows, has many loopholes but that doesn't stop it from being completely awesome. Halo games also have a few loopholes but I still love those game. And I've noticed a lot of people mistaking lack of explaining about things in the ending of ME3 as a's not.

As for choices please explain to me how exactly your choices could honestly effect the ending that much? Either way the Reapers have to be stopped and the galaxy needs to be saved...and there aren't very many ways of how that would be possible. So really the 3 endings thing make the most sense. Your choices in previous games and ME3 effected what happened in the meat of the campaign (and it shows in how you gather forces in ME3).

Really the only thing I wish could be changed in the endings is some more explanation/detail. Overall the ending is better than most other video game endings I have seen.

I'm sorry but if you didn't notice the loop holes then you can't really have played the games. There are SO many and a lot of them are ridiculously big. The only way I can see anyone not noticing them is if they had only played ME3.

How could your choices have affected it? Ermmm in a million different ways? Why can't my Shep simply refuse to take any of the choices and instead say they will fight the reapers the way they always have? Why he can't he argue and reason with the A.I like he always has? Why doesn't the amount of military strength I have make a difference? Why does the fact I'm paragon or renegade not make even the slightest difference? I played 100 hours+ over 3 games making every single paragon choice I could, someone else played 100 hours+ over 3 games making every single renegade choice. So the endings are......? Oh erm identical.

To Panama if you think the gears of war 2 or God of War 3 endings are comparable to ME3 then you musn't have played them. The endings to those two games are masterpieces compared to the ME3 ending. Seriously even with Bioshock, that people complained had a dreadful ending, I didn't mind too much. I thought it was a slight tone shift but nothing too terrible. An ending the quality of the Bioshock one would be a million times better than the ME3 ending. 

It's pretty telling that the vast majority of people saying ''Oh I don't get how people can be so annoyed about it'' are people who haven't actually played the games.  Especially when they make statements such as they don't see how choices could have affected it. Look at the ending of ME2. The choices you make, how ready you are and even how quickly you went to the final mission make HUGE differences. Likewise you can make a very big moral choice that had big implications for the third game (well at least it seemed so at the time). 

Edit: For d21lewis. If your Shep dies at the end of two then you cannot import him to ME3. For your character that is it. He is dead and his story is finished. Your only choice is to start a new character. So yea it pretty massively affects the game because for your Shep there is no ME3 lol, he is gone. 

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.