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Forums - General Discussion - Because every country is the best at something!

Cocaine, f*k yeah! Well, not sure why I was expecting a different thin. Oh well, at least it appeared on the map.


Edit: @Marks I'll give you also Caribou, Malajube, and Crystal Castles, I may be missing couple of others. However, I think that per capita, the UK or Australia may have the better bands for my taste. Btw, please refrain from using those long quote post, keep 2~3, then get rid of the others.

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yes austria is very good in skiing and ski jump. the whole country consists of mountains what can they do haha

TruckOSaurus said:
Marks said:

Canada has great music. I fully admit we make shit TV shows/movies and everything else, but the one thing we can do is make music.

- Bachman Turner Overdrive are a solid band, I guarantee you've heard the song "Taking Care of Business"

- The Guess who are well known for songs like American Woman

- The Tragically Hip are absolutely amazing, the best band out of Canada...but for some reason nobody outside of Canada has heard of them. If you want, look up the songs "Fireworks", "Bobcaygeon" and "New Orleans is Sinking" by them. They're great.

- We also have Sum 41, Finger Eleven, Steppenwolf, 54-40, Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Neil Young, Tokyo Police Club, April Wine, Theory of a Deadman, Feist, Vampire Weekend, and more. No way you haven't heard of at least some of those.

- But yeah I do admit we make some of the most annoying stuff like Avril Lavigne (who is very hot though), Nickelback and Justin Bieber, but they are more than cancelled out by the good stuff. And they wouldn't be popular if many people didn't love them. 

I find the lack of Metric mentions disturbing.

Oh yeah great point! I can't believe I forgot them, especially since I have them on iTunes. 

Marks said:
TWRoO said:
Marks said:
Canada is the best at hockey. Also I guess we're the best at winter sports in general based on us getting the most gold medals at the 2010 Vancouver olympics.

Also I would argue we have the best bands per capita. And I emphasize the per capita part, obviously America and UK have more good bands than us, but for our small population, we have a lot of talent. Rush, Tragically Hip, BTO, The Guess Who, Arcade Fire, etc.

Rush and Arcade Fire I'll give you... not heard of the others.

However many you name though, they will be cancelled out by Celine Dion and Justin Bieber.

That and if you are going by capita... Sweden has less than 1/3rd the population of Canada.

Don't get me wrong, I like Canada, would sure love to go there sometime (probably second only to New Zealand in my list of countries I would love to visit) but I certainly don't think of good musicwhen I think of Canada.

Canada has great music. I fully admit we make shit TV shows/movies and everything else, but the one thing we can do is make music.

- Bachman Turner Overdrive are a solid band, I guarantee you've heard the song "Taking Care of Business"

- The Guess who are well known for songs like American Woman

- The Tragically Hip are absolutely amazing, the best band out of Canada...but for some reason nobody outside of Canada has heard of them. If you want, look up the songs "Fireworks", "Bobcaygeon" and "New Orleans is Sinking" by them. They're great.

- We also have Sum 41, Finger Eleven, Steppenwolf, 54-40, Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Neil Young, Tokyo Police Club, April Wine, Theory of a Deadman, Feist, Vampire Weekend, and more. No way you haven't heard of at least some of those.

- But yeah I do admit we make some of the most annoying stuff like Avril Lavigne (who is very hot though), Nickelback and Justin Bieber, but they are more than cancelled out by the good stuff. And they wouldn't be popular if many people didn't love them. 

Where are Metric and Sarah Mclachlan (her old stuff) dude?! Also, I'd add Breaking Benjamin to your bands list, they are bad but they are probably more commercially successful than the ones you mentioned.

edit : beaten ;(

Okay, I definitely have to then make my way to Netherlands, Morocco, Japan, and Norway (Not necessarily in that order, but Netherlands and Morocco are definitely the top two). Also, I didn't know Bolivia is know for Brazilian Nuts? Maybe I'm reading the map wrong.

LOL. Nuts. Always makes me laugh.

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PSwii60 said:

Okay, I definitely have to then make my way to Netherlands, Morocco, Japan, and Norway (Not necessarily in that order, but Netherlands and Morocco are definitely the top two). Also, I didn't know Bolivia is know for Brazilian Nuts? Maybe I'm reading the map wrong.

LOL. Nuts. Always makes me laugh.

as neighbour of the netherlands (germany) and living only 25km away from there (so i have been there like 100 times) i really have to say that netherland is a great country!

and amsterdam for example is fun! you walk downtown to buy some stuff and you will see shops to buy dope every few meters and people smoking the stuff and then from one to the next moment you will be in the red light district (in the  middle of the city surrounded by the "normal" shops) with the girls behind their windows to make you hot lol

there's something like that in germany as well but without dope :(

Paraguay is leader in hidroelectricity? Come on! They have one source of it: Itaipu, a Binational Power plant, a joint venture of both Brazil and Paraguay, from which Paraguay produces all of it's eletricity and sells the surplus to Brazil. And BR is also the top producer of coffee and soccer players (weakening in this front).





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crissindahouse said:
PSwii60 said:

Okay, I definitely have to then make my way to Netherlands, Morocco, Japan, and Norway (Not necessarily in that order, but Netherlands and Morocco are definitely the top two). Also, I didn't know Bolivia is know for Brazilian Nuts? Maybe I'm reading the map wrong.

LOL. Nuts. Always makes me laugh.

as neighbour of the netherlands (germany) and living only 25km away from there (so i have been there like 100 times) i really have to say that netherland is a great country!

and amsterdam for example is fun! you walk downtown to buy some stuff and you will see shops to buy dope every few meters and people smoking the stuff and then from one to the next moment you will be in the red light district (in the  middle of the city surrounded by the "normal" shops) with the girls behind their windows to make you hot lol

there's something like that in germany as well but without dope :(

Damn it. I really need to visit Amsterdam. I heard so much cool things about, but I unfortunately don't even know anyone personally who has been to any part of Europe. I can't believe how lenient the government is on such things. I'd like to check it out one day.  And the females is pretty much a given, just the icing on the cake :)

The great things about Europe is the differences in culture, various languages, and contrast in way of life. I mean, United States is cool and all but overall all the states is practically the same. said:
Marks said:
TWRoO said:
Marks said:
Canada is the best at hockey. Also I guess we're the best at winter sports in general based on us getting the most gold medals at the 2010 Vancouver olympics.

Also I would argue we have the best bands per capita. And I emphasize the per capita part, obviously America and UK have more good bands than us, but for our small population, we have a lot of talent. Rush, Tragically Hip, BTO, The Guess Who, Arcade Fire, etc.

Rush and Arcade Fire I'll give you... not heard of the others.

However many you name though, they will be cancelled out by Celine Dion and Justin Bieber.

That and if you are going by capita... Sweden has less than 1/3rd the population of Canada.

Don't get me wrong, I like Canada, would sure love to go there sometime (probably second only to New Zealand in my list of countries I would love to visit) but I certainly don't think of good musicwhen I think of Canada.

Canada has great music. I fully admit we make shit TV shows/movies and everything else, but the one thing we can do is make music.

- Bachman Turner Overdrive are a solid band, I guarantee you've heard the song "Taking Care of Business"

- The Guess who are well known for songs like American Woman

- The Tragically Hip are absolutely amazing, the best band out of Canada...but for some reason nobody outside of Canada has heard of them. If you want, look up the songs "Fireworks", "Bobcaygeon" and "New Orleans is Sinking" by them. They're great.

- We also have Sum 41, Finger Eleven, Steppenwolf, 54-40, Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Neil Young, Tokyo Police Club, April Wine, Theory of a Deadman, Feist, Vampire Weekend, and more. No way you haven't heard of at least some of those.

- But yeah I do admit we make some of the most annoying stuff like Avril Lavigne (who is very hot though), Nickelback and Justin Bieber, but they are more than cancelled out by the good stuff. And they wouldn't be popular if many people didn't love them. 

Where are Metric and Sarah Mclachlan (her old stuff) dude?! Also, I'd add Breaking Benjamin to your bands list, they are bad but they are probably more commercially successful than the ones you mentioned.

edit : beaten ;(

Haha yeah you got beaten to mentioning Metric! I can't say as I'm a McLachlan fan, but in fairness I've never really listened to her stuff in depth. 

And I do like Breaking Benjamin, but I just double checked with Wikipedia and they are from Pennsylvania, USA...unfortunately not Canadian :(

Marks said: said:
Marks said:
TWRoO said:
Marks said:
Canada is the best at hockey. Also I guess we're the best at winter sports in general based on us getting the most gold medals at the 2010 Vancouver olympics.

Also I would argue we have the best bands per capita. And I emphasize the per capita part, obviously America and UK have more good bands than us, but for our small population, we have a lot of talent. Rush, Tragically Hip, BTO, The Guess Who, Arcade Fire, etc.

Rush and Arcade Fire I'll give you... not heard of the others.

However many you name though, they will be cancelled out by Celine Dion and Justin Bieber.

That and if you are going by capita... Sweden has less than 1/3rd the population of Canada.

Don't get me wrong, I like Canada, would sure love to go there sometime (probably second only to New Zealand in my list of countries I would love to visit) but I certainly don't think of good musicwhen I think of Canada.

Canada has great music. I fully admit we make shit TV shows/movies and everything else, but the one thing we can do is make music.

- Bachman Turner Overdrive are a solid band, I guarantee you've heard the song "Taking Care of Business"

- The Guess who are well known for songs like American Woman

- The Tragically Hip are absolutely amazing, the best band out of Canada...but for some reason nobody outside of Canada has heard of them. If you want, look up the songs "Fireworks", "Bobcaygeon" and "New Orleans is Sinking" by them. They're great.

- We also have Sum 41, Finger Eleven, Steppenwolf, 54-40, Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Neil Young, Tokyo Police Club, April Wine, Theory of a Deadman, Feist, Vampire Weekend, and more. No way you haven't heard of at least some of those.

- But yeah I do admit we make some of the most annoying stuff like Avril Lavigne (who is very hot though), Nickelback and Justin Bieber, but they are more than cancelled out by the good stuff. And they wouldn't be popular if many people didn't love them. 

Where are Metric and Sarah Mclachlan (her old stuff) dude?! Also, I'd add Breaking Benjamin to your bands list, they are bad but they are probably more commercially successful than the ones you mentioned.

edit : beaten ;(

Haha yeah you got beaten to mentioning Metric! I can't say as I'm a McLachlan fan, but in fairness I've never really listened to her stuff in depth. 

And I do like Breaking Benjamin, but I just double checked with Wikipedia and they are from Pennsylvania, USA...unfortunately not Canadian :(

She has a magnificent song about a stalker.

I always thought Ben Burnly was Canadian :/. Don't be sad though, this Canadian band is much better :)