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Forums - Sales Discussion - PSV v 3DS v PSP v DS - TRUE Aligned launch - Week 80 update. BRUTAL

kowenicki said:

I think perhaps that at least this counts for about 150k of the overtracking.

The rest is Europe and US (another 250k)

Too bad Europe is a grey zone, it'll be a while before we know for sure. It doesn't look very overtracked in US though, judging by the latest NPD.

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Wow the site has gone downhill really if you can't do this online, remember aligning hardware and game sales ages ago.

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TomaTito said:

Wow the site has gone downhill really if you can't do this online, remember aligning hardware and game sales ages ago.

I made a thread about this, and no response from ioi. Shame.

The psp really took off in it's first year.

Good job with the global. It's better than nothing.

Kowen, you weren't able to put the japan numbers a few weeks earlier and start the others at 0 for the first 26 weeks?

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kowenicki said:
happydolphin said:

Good job with the global. It's better than nothing.

Kowen, you weren't able to put the japan numbers a few weeks earlier and start the others at 0 for the first 26 weeks?

I dont think i understand you?

This is a true aligned launch combined graph.  It shows the first 26 weeks in each region combined (they launched at very different times).  Anythig else would be a fudge.

Okay, I see what you mean. You prefer sync week one of all three and sum from there, rather than put them tail to tail at their respective launch times, starting at week 1 in japan only.

I see why yours is better because like this we don't compare a plat on 1 region to a plat on 3 regions (global launch). That makes sense, though it doesn't have the same historical value as the other version. If ioi gives us the tools, there's something I'd like to be able to tick as an option.

Quite true, thanks for reminding me of all that, I remember the article and the topic, just forgot which was the better view. Got it ;)

OK, just checked the tools and you can align games but not hardware yet, shame, but good work on this kowenicki!

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

I probably missed something, but why does it stop at week 40? 3DS is further along than that now...

Very interesting data though, nice work! PSP sure was very powerful at the start, guess the DSlite is what 'killed' it. Looks like consumers in the west were skeptical with DS (maybe it was the dual screens) at first, funny to see 3DS doing the same pattern. Will be interesting to see it's development around the time the DS really skyrocketed.

S.Peelman said:

I probably missed something, but why does it stop at week 40? 3DS is further along than that now...

I think he did so just to keep the chart smaller for now, since the Vita is only 26 weeks in.