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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What can Nintendo do to bring you back to them?

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RolStoppable said:
The more interesting question would be if these people want to come back. There's a list of points that keeps returning, but when Nintendo makes steps into this direction the reaction is usually "meh". On one hand people say that they want Nintendo to be more like Sony and/or Microsoft, but when it happens they will say that they already have Sony and/or Microsoft for this, so there's not much of a point in buying Nintendo.

That is why Nintendo just needs to be Nintendo.  I understand others might view that comment as frustrating (Nintendo does what Nintendo does or whatever) but it is pretty damn near the truth.  What Nintendo did in the video game industry could be compared to a hypothetical situation where Chrysler becomes the #1 car manufacture in the world.  Very few companies that have lost market share like Nintendo would ever come back.  I don't see any other greater success story right now in the business world (also considering Nintendo was never bailed out by a government like most failed or fallen behind businesses).

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sethnintendo said:
RolStoppable said:
The more interesting question would be if these people want to come back. There's a list of points that keeps returning, but when Nintendo makes steps into this direction the reaction is usually "meh". On one hand people say that they want Nintendo to be more like Sony and/or Microsoft, but when it happens they will say that they already have Sony and/or Microsoft for this, so there's not much of a point in buying Nintendo.

That is why Nintendo just needs to be Nintendo.  I understand others might view that comment as frustrating (Nintendo does what Nintendo does or whatever) but it is pretty damn near the truth.  What Nintendo did in the video game industry could be compared to a hypothetical situation where Chrysler becomes the #1 car manufacture in the world.  Very few companies that have lost market share like Nintendo did would ever come back.  I don't see any other greater success story right now in the business world (also considering Nintendo was never bailed out by a government like most failed or fallen behind businesses).

Thing is, how many people inside Nintendo want Nintendo to just be..Nintendo?

Nintendo has been my home since NES and will be until the day i stop playing games

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

spurgeonryan said:
sethnintendo said:
Release the Virtual Boy again.

They've already released the 3DS

I think it would be fun to get the virtual boy 14 game to 19 game library on the 3DS at some point though. I have never played any of the games. For 70-90 bucks I can own a VB, doubt it has any games with it though.

Other systems as well. 3DO, Jaguar, Wonder swan, etc. Bring em all!

Hehe, yeah me too!


Let's hope they put its games in the virtual console section sometime

Andrespetmonkey said:
Mr Khan said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

The first 150 Pokemon is an extremely unbalanced group in favor of psychic and dragon types. Though more bug-type moves exist now, such a game would still be hideously unbalanced (no dark types in the first 150, no useful Ghost types).


xD Is it? Never realised. Meh even if it is they could just balance it then! Duh! 
That's just the only generation I'm familiar with :P

Sorry, didn't mean to pick on you. There are a large group of gamers that are of the opinion that the first 151 Pokemon are the only good ones, an opinion i disagree with for reasons stated above (that and if you want to find the really unique Pokemon, you have to dig up into Gens 4 & 5)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Make interesting new IPs, gank massive third party support, and quit being such obstinate fuckheads who are so content marching to the beat of their own drum that they don't do things that are otherwise industry standard.

And fire Reggie.

Nothing, like many others Nintendo never lost me. I do know how they could lose me though. If they drop their hardcore IP and do not replace them with equally good new IP. I do enjoy some pick up and play games but do not like casual software.

If Nintendo wanted to lose me they just have to drop Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Zelda, Advance Wars/Battalion wars. Basically if they ditch their core IP I am gone even if they held onto just Mario I would leave.

Nintendo needs its core IP.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Well, they haven't lost me. But If they want me to to be 100% down with Wii U there's only two words they need to say.

4 Players!

(As in 4 Wii U controllers at the same time!)


nintendo forever . . .

Happened during the days of the Wii. But it's okay, I've had 5 years to get over my buyer's remorse, that and DKCR and Rhythm Heaven helped ease the pain. I'll definitely be getting a Wii U regardless just for the remoteplay tech and the prospect of a Smash Bros with online play that doesn't make you want to throw your console out the window.

spurgeonryan said:
Panama said:
Happened during the days of the Wii. But it's okay, I've had 5 years to get over my buyer's remorse, that and DKCR and Rhythm Heaven helped ease the pain. I'll definitely be getting a Wii U regardless just for the remoteplay tech and the prospect of a Smash Bros with online play that doesn't make you want to throw your console out the window.

I have only played Smash Bros. Wii at home with four player. What is the problem with Online? Skips alot or something?

It's a slideshow unless you play with individuals from the same street as you. Slight exaggeration but it's pretty bad. MKWii's online in comparison is godly.