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sethnintendo said:
RolStoppable said:
The more interesting question would be if these people want to come back. There's a list of points that keeps returning, but when Nintendo makes steps into this direction the reaction is usually "meh". On one hand people say that they want Nintendo to be more like Sony and/or Microsoft, but when it happens they will say that they already have Sony and/or Microsoft for this, so there's not much of a point in buying Nintendo.

That is why Nintendo just needs to be Nintendo.  I understand others might view that comment as frustrating (Nintendo does what Nintendo does or whatever) but it is pretty damn near the truth.  What Nintendo did in the video game industry could be compared to a hypothetical situation where Chrysler becomes the #1 car manufacture in the world.  Very few companies that have lost market share like Nintendo did would ever come back.  I don't see any other greater success story right now in the business world (also considering Nintendo was never bailed out by a government like most failed or fallen behind businesses).

Thing is, how many people inside Nintendo want Nintendo to just be..Nintendo?