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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What can Nintendo do to bring you back to them?

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RolStoppable said:
The more interesting question would be if these people want to come back. There's a list of points that keeps returning, but when Nintendo makes steps into this direction the reaction is usually "meh". On one hand people say that they want Nintendo to be more like Sony and/or Microsoft, but when it happens they will say that they already have Sony and/or Microsoft for this, so there's not much of a point in buying Nintendo.

While Rol sometimes speaks in riddles and sarcasm, he speaks the plain truth here. The most vocal complainers about Nintendo will never "come back" to a changed Nintendo. They may come back as they themselves "change" -- thus Nintendo should not lose its soul in an effort to be like its competitors.


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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Mr Khan said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

The first 150 Pokemon is an extremely unbalanced group in favor of psychic and dragon types. Though more bug-type moves exist now, such a game would still be hideously unbalanced (no dark types in the first 150, no useful Ghost types).


xD Is it? Never realised. Meh even if it is they could just balance it then! Duh! 
That's just the only generation I'm familiar with :P

Its been fading out for me for a few years now, and Nintendo already lost all my friends and family, but heres what they can do:

Current graphical output: My friends don't play their Wiis due to the poor graphical capabilities alone. HD+ is the way to go now.

Fighting games: Outside of Smash Bros, these have been absent for several years. Wrestling games especially...

Online: Friend Codes are a no-no at this point, along with no mic and few online capable games. Its 2012...Online is mandatory.

Fewer Mario games: Galaxy 1&2, Mario Sports Mix, NSMB, Mario & Sonic 1-3?, Super Paper Mario, SM Strikers, Mario Party 8&9,... Mario Kart. To be honest, I think I could live without a 3D Mario if the 2D effort comes anywhere near the excellence of Super Mario World, along with half the others.

STARFOX : Starfox had the greatest dialogue of any videogame, period. A sequel in the nature of S64 is long overdue.

Forefront 3rd party games: Resident Evil 4 not having a successor on the Wii was such a huge disappointment in my eyes. On-rails games are not taken seriously.

Wii Play, Wii Music, Wario...wastes

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."


...make at least a few of them that i want to play. nintendo's first party has been giving me the finger for a few years now. just look at project rainfall...i refuse to beg. i'll take my dollars to the companies that actually want my business thank you.

Jumpin said:
binary solo said:
I'll get on board with Nintendo if they kill Mario and Luigi. Until then I can't in good conscience throw the bulk of my gaming money their way.

Haha, this made me laugh some how =P

Although, what are your reasons for drawing this conlcusion?

Mario and Luigi give me a creepy pedo vibe. I think it's their big moustachios on child-like bodies, and those white gloves...*shivers*. I can barely watch someone play a Mario game let alone think about playing one myself. See I quite like playing Supertux on Linux, which is really (almost criminally) 2D mario but with a Penguin instead of Mario. If I could re-skin Mario and Luigi as penguins and all the rest of any Mario game remained exactly the same I'd probably buy a Wii tomorrow. After all having penguins rescue Princess Peach requires no more suspension of disbelief than having a couple of Italian plumbers doing it.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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Nintendo hasn't lost me. Although it's on the threshold with Wii U as I'm totally not sold on that system. Nor 3DS.

For me Nintendo would need to continue to lead the way with innovation. Unfortunately, this (coming?) gen their attempts at innovation already seem behind the curve. 3D? Not new. Glasses-free is cool, but 3D was out for a while and had already lost it's 'cool' factor. Touchscreen? So old now it's just plain expected. It seems logical on the PS Vita. Of course it's there. But as the 'gimmick' for Wii U? It's completely, 'so what'? Yeah, sure, it's nice to have a second touch screen for numerous reasons but I'd rather they ditched that although and went further with motion and immersion rather than aping Apple.

Secondly, new gameplay. As much as I love SSB, Mario Kart, NSMB, etc. Another version of those same games (now in HD!) won't budge me from my Wii. Wii Sports and motion controls got me to buy a console because it was a new experience. It'll take another new experience to prompt me to upgrade.


binary solo said:
Jumpin said:
binary solo said:
I'll get on board with Nintendo if they kill Mario and Luigi. Until then I can't in good conscience throw the bulk of my gaming money their way.

Haha, this made me laugh some how =P

Although, what are your reasons for drawing this conlcusion?

Mario and Luigi give me a creepy pedo vibe. I think it's their big moustachios on child-like bodies, and those white gloves...*shivers*. I can barely watch someone play a Mario game let alone think about playing one myself. See I quite like playing Supertux on Linux, which is really (almost criminally) 2D mario but with a Penguin instead of Mario. If I could re-skin Mario and Luigi as penguins and all the rest of any Mario game remained exactly the same I'd probably buy a Wii tomorrow. After all having penguins rescue Princess Peach requires no more suspension of disbelief than having a couple of Italian plumbers doing it.

JGarret said:
binary solo said:
Jumpin said:
binary solo said:
I'll get on board with Nintendo if they kill Mario and Luigi. Until then I can't in good conscience throw the bulk of my gaming money their way.

Haha, this made me laugh some how =P

Although, what are your reasons for drawing this conlcusion?

Mario and Luigi give me a creepy pedo vibe. I think it's their big moustachios on child-like bodies, and those white gloves...*shivers*. I can barely watch someone play a Mario game let alone think about playing one myself. See I quite like playing Supertux on Linux, which is really (almost criminally) 2D mario but with a Penguin instead of Mario. If I could re-skin Mario and Luigi as penguins and all the rest of any Mario game remained exactly the same I'd probably buy a Wii tomorrow. After all having penguins rescue Princess Peach requires no more suspension of disbelief than having a couple of Italian plumbers doing it.

My EYES!!!!!!!! It burns usssssssss.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Release the Virtual Boy again.

sethnintendo said:
Release the Virtual Boy again.

They've already released the 3DS