Great job here Brian, congrats!! keep it up!!! :)
I like that eshop Karting game, looks pretty good
hey! those release dates for 3DS games ar for Japan right?
i cant wait for Luigis, Paper Mario and Castelvania!!!!!!!!
Check out more screen comparisons here
Hey vgcharterz! Lets make this next one happen!!!
07. September 2012 by Dylan James

Remember that snazzy Pikachu-themed 3DS XL announced for Japan last month? The incredibly adorable one that put smiles on faces around the world? The one that was announced only for Japan to the dismay of people who apparently have excess money to spend in the West?
Well now there’s an operation to rally Nintendo into an international release. Here’s the official description from the movement’s Facebook page:
“Nintendo is Bringing out a Pikachu 3DS XL in Japan and we Pokemon fans want it in Europe and America and Australia so this is for to get Nintendo Europe and Nintendo America and Nintendo Australia to bring it out.”
Okay, so that’s not exactly proper English, but you get the point. Speaking of Facebook, here are the links to Operation Pika’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter). Both pages are well presented and have links to show support through liking or sharing or hash-tagging (whatever that Twitter madness is called) or what have you.
So what are you waiting for? Go show your support! Unless you’re not inclined to do so. But who are you kidding? Of course you are.