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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

Finally just to keep tradition going - "every thread deserves this game" - Bravely Default in HD!

My job here is done! Up, up and away! *voosh*

Around the Network

Wario Land looks cool (never played it) but I don't think I have time for 8-bit games.

Super Nes classics would be such a nice addition to the e-shop, don't know why they don't do it.

The new Animal Crossing deserves a place in this thread too

3DS XL size comparison + Top Screen comparison against the Vita's

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Around the Network

I wish I could, but my computer won't let me.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Welcome back Spurgeon! You missed quite a lot here....

@Vicviper you should give Wario a try, its one of the best 2D action-plataformers ive played

So Vitas screen size and Xls is basically the same, a lil bit bigger the XL...thats good news!

Best news of the day. Shantae (GBC) has an ESRB rating! We're closer to the release! I can't wait to play this!

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Those Bravely Default and Etrian Odyssey trailer look fantastic, will probably get both upon PAL release.

Also I find it strange how behind NoA are on the 3DS VC, NoE have released probably about half the '8bit summer' games already (Kid Icarus, Wario Land, etc)