You know guys, I hate to say this, but the time I spent with the WiiU at E3 made me like it less...I really, REALLY don't like that big gaudy game pad, I am sick of the Wii controllers (got fed up with them three years ago), and the system's interface is just unpleasant to look at.
Love the 3DS, but the more of the WiiU I see, the less I like it. At this point I'm honestly wondering if great games like New Super Mario Bros. U and...uh, what else nintendo first party has been announced for the system?...either way, I'm not even sure they can coax me into buying one. Nintendo is trying too hard to take the thunder from Xbox 360 and PS3 rather than the Wii's philosophy of "we want you to own a Wii AND a PS3 or a Wii AND an xbox 360", which I greatly preferred. Nintendo has always done best when they got their own chunk of the market, and I see the WiiU stumbling, much like the Dreamcast, having come too soon for next gen but too late for next gen.
My Console Library:
PS5, Switch, XSX
PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360
3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android