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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

I would say the Nintendo game is played the most must have been Super Mario Bros.
Have been playing it since i was a kid and sometimes i still do. How many hours? Got to say countless! :D

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Poll: I don't know for older games (maybe mario world)

But for this last gent either Picross, Picross 3D or Neves.
It takes insane amounts of time to complete those games... and I played them a lot more after completion... still do

I spent a lot of time on Animal Crossing too, but it was in much smaller doses, so i don't think it competes

Capcom registers "Remember Me" trademark in US and Europe. E3 anyone?

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Asriel said:
JEMC said:

Metroid made by Epic?

Sure, it would have amazing graphics, but Metroid Prime was NOT and FPShooter, it was an FPAdventure. And I don't know if Epic would understand that.

So I hope that they don't make it.


@Hours spent on a Nintendo game idk, I don't count them. But will be either a Zelda game or a Super Mario game (trying to get all the stars).

Epic co-developed the Metroid-vania style Shadow Complex which was very good, and took a lot of inspiration from Super Metroid. I'm sure if Nintendo DID co-operate with Epic to make a new Metroid, they'd keep a very close eye on it and would only hand Epic the IP if Nintendo could exert creative control over it. After Other M, it might be time for someone else outside Nintendo to take a good crack at Metroid.

A new Metroid in 2D like Super Metroid would be perfect, and yes, Shadow Complex proved that they could do a very good game. But the pic in that news, is from a First Person game.

And I don't know if Epic could do a good enough FPA.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Capcom registers "Remember Me" trademark in US and Europe. E3 anyone?

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MrT-Tar said:
Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Capcom registers "Remember Me" trademark in US and Europe. E3 anyone?

I liked that moment. I actually laughed a bit, first time when playing through the game.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

I voted "other" in the poll, since I've poured 20 years into the original Zelda ^^ and still haven't finished it -.-

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Here's the hints to Hatsune 15th anniversary announcement this week

Hint #1: The announcement contains a "celebration"
Hint #2: The announcement will relate to a series...
Hint #3: The announcement will relate to a which there are at least 3 previous entries...
The announcement will relate to a which there are at least 3 previous entries...that Natsume published in North America
Hint #4,5,6: C_s__m_z____n i_ Ki__

It can be everywhere, but due to Natsume recent history, it's more likely it'll be on a nintendo platform.

Take your guesses!!

To me it's Harvest Moon!

spurgeonryan said:
Harvest Moon is a pretty decent seller right now, so I do not see why not? Rune Factory?

I guess that's the problem with Natsume teasing a game that is part of a series, lol!

It can only be those two!






This is at least a MINITON to me!

Customization is King would fit.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3