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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

for a nintendo game? pokemon... they're hard to put down... but i'm not sure if it's my most played game on any console, probably ff8 gets that title..

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New Rune Factory 4 screens:


Looking good, very curious to see if this game is going to sell like its brother and break records.

Even more DLC songs available for download for FF Theatherhythm. This game has probably 95% of all FF songs now! Going to be expensive, but must buy anyway.

I never cared much for any of those (FFX is so forgettable, XI so "never played" and don't remember that song from III), but IX battle theme 2 is nice to have.

Answer to Poll:

Obviously Pokemon. I'm pretty sure everyone plays that for crazy hours.

Besides Pokemon which is not totally Nintendo, Zelda Wind waker is my longest N experience, i put more tha 100h to it, and never got the 100%.........i would love a 3dS port...

PD: DQX looks pretty good, i still dont know which version i should buy........any DQX WiiU details?

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65hours on Xenoblade. I think this is officialy the highest amount of hour i've spend on a Nintendo game. Maybe in my youth I've spent more time on other games (pokémon or maybe golden sun) But I dont have the official numbers recorded so I have no way of prooving it, but I know for a fact that I've spent 65 hours on xenoblade and I'm planning on doint a 2nd run eventualy (maybe). (Also I know I played alot of pokémon and golden sun but I doubt I've spent more than 65 hours)


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Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


spurgeonryan said:
I am going to buy DQ X on the Wii. Just to show the Developers that we want a few more games on it and that they were right in supporting Nintendo consoles in the end. Plus it looks great ! IMO.

Pokemon Snap has got to be close to 100 hours.

is DQ X confirmed for release in the west?

OT: around 150 hours of accumulated time on one of the Zelda's. I have several Nintendo games from this gen with over 100 hours (Brawl, Galaxy, Primes, TP, and SS and XB will probably get there soon) but I think I spent the most on the Wind Waker, having played it on my brothers gamecube back in the day and again recently. I don't really know for sure becuase only since Wii has my play time been accurately logged across all games.

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

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mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Metroid made by Epic?

Sure, it would have amazing graphics, but Metroid Prime was NOT and FPShooter, it was an FPAdventure. And I don't know if Epic would understand that.

So I hope that they don't make it.


@Hours spent on a Nintendo game idk, I don't count them. But will be either a Zelda game or a Super Mario game (trying to get all the stars).

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

Metroid made by Epic?

Sure, it would have amazing graphics, but Metroid Prime was NOT and FPShooter, it was an FPAdventure. And I don't know if Epic would understand that.

So I hope that they don't make it.


@Hours spent on a Nintendo game idk, I don't count them. But will be either a Zelda game or a Super Mario game (trying to get all the stars).

Epic co-developed the Metroid-vania style Shadow Complex which was very good, and took a lot of inspiration from Super Metroid. I'm sure if Nintendo DID co-operate with Epic to make a new Metroid, they'd keep a very close eye on it and would only hand Epic the IP if Nintendo could exert creative control over it. After Other M, it might be time for someone else outside Nintendo to take a good crack at Metroid.

To answer the poll with a comment, I would say that Pokémon Platinum has taken most of my time in gaming with a whopping 241 hours in total and for a runner up it's probably Super Mario Sunshine, as i tend to fool around a lot during the game and find glitches.

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