KylieDog said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Practically everyone in tournaments uses PokeSav/Gen, and I don't see what's not fair about it. An Action Replay is only $15 or so, so there shouldn't be anything stopping anyone from using it. If anything, it makes things more fair since it's less about who has the better pokemon and more about who's the better player. |
Pokemon tournaments a joke if true. The point of pokemon is to be a better trainer, that means putting in the work to train them and breed them as well as knowing how to use them, not just hack them. It defeats the point of shiny pokemon too, they meant to be a rare thing and lucky reward to catch one, they pointless when people just hack them.
I don't care how people will get pissed off by no imports, the integrity of the game and its online component matter more.
Sorry, but made up rules and personal quips do not matter more than sales, which they'd definitely lose if they do what you're saying! No way of importing would just be a huge middle finger to all those who played previous installments. Besides, we probably wont be able to PokeGen from X/Y onwards, so your little issue will fade away in time anyhow.