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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Pokemon Thread! Pokemon X/Y Are Released! - New Poll!

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How Do You Like X/Y So Far?

I really enjoy it! 228 73.79%
It's good. 5 1.62%
Meh. 2 0.65%
Not as good as I thought. 2 0.65%
I really hate it! 1 0.32%
Aielyn said:
ktay95 said:
... but not garentted iirc....

Was that meant to say "guaranteed"?

lol yes, i guess thats what happens when your almost asleep but still typing =)

Around the Network

Mega Nidoking please!!

finalfantasystud said:
Mega Nidoking please!!

and we can give him a crown and robe =)  make him like a real king

tbone51 said:
mega kangaskhan video!

So simple, yet so MIND BLOWING!

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

 finalfantasystud said:
Mega Nidoking please!!

I second this.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Around the Network
_crazy_man_ said:
tbone51 said:
mega kangaskhan video!

So simple, yet so MIND BLOWING!

You play competitive! You see Kangaskhan moveset! Double Leer in doubles O.o ..... Or how about partnering up with Vaporeon and using surf to make Vaporeon gain 50% health O.o

KylieDog said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
KylieDog said:
Any word if imported pokemon (and thus hacked pokemon that will ruin the online) are banned?

Or to make it clearer, any word if we can import pokemon from previous games?

Of course we'll be able to import from older games! Hopefully some form of the legality checker they use for actual tournaments will be in the game, atleast making sure Pokemon don't have +510 EVs or any moves n abilitys that they can't get normally and stuff.

Are you assuming or is it confirmed?  When I google I can only find this

"Pokemon Company would also like for players to be able to import Pokemon from previous titles, but DS and 3DS currently can't communicate directly, so a new solution would be required."

A legality checker will not stop people hacking perfect stat pokemon and Shiny ones as long as they keep the stats and abilties possible.

I transferred Pokemon from Pearl over to Black using a DS and 3DS, so I don't know what they're talking about. Not being able to import would cause rage this world has not yet seen!

If the Pokemon is legal then I don't see what the problem is. All they did was not spend hours of their life getting said Pokemon. What'd normally take 250+ hours can be done in 25 minutes. PokeSav/PokeGen are massive lifesavers!

KylieDog said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

If the Pokemon is legal then I don't see what the problem is. All they did was not spend hours of their life getting said Pokemon. What'd normally take 250+ hours can be done in 25 minutes. PokeSav/PokeGen are massive lifesavers!

There is no point in people training pokemon themselves if they just going to face perfect hacked pokemon.  It completely undermines the point.

Importing needs be banned, cannot hack 3DS currently so is perfect time for fresh start.

i agree 100%, it sucks for me busting my ass getting good IV pokemon while others do it by "hacking"! Dont get me wrong, it'll suck cuz i have tons of pokemon, but a fresh start will help out in the long run

KylieDog said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

If the Pokemon is legal then I don't see what the problem is. All they did was not spend hours of their life getting said Pokemon. What'd normally take 250+ hours can be done in 25 minutes. PokeSav/PokeGen are massive lifesavers!

There is no point in people training pokemon themselves if they just going to face perfect hacked pokemon.  It completely undermines the point.

Importing needs be banned, cannot hack 3DS currently so is perfect time for fresh start.

The point is what now?

Do you not understand how many people that would piss off?

tbone51 said:
KylieDog said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

If the Pokemon is legal then I don't see what the problem is. All they did was not spend hours of their life getting said Pokemon. What'd normally take 250+ hours can be done in 25 minutes. PokeSav/PokeGen are massive lifesavers!

There is no point in people training pokemon themselves if they just going to face perfect hacked pokemon.  It completely undermines the point.

Importing needs be banned, cannot hack 3DS currently so is perfect time for fresh start.

i agree 100%, it sucks for me busting my ass getting good IV pokemon while others do it by "hacking"! Dont get me wrong, it'll suck cuz i have tons of pokemon, but a fresh start will help out in the long run

How would a "fresh start" help you? You'd still have to spend hours training your pokemon, only now you'd have absolutely no choice but to.