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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Black/White 2 Announced?!

If this is not optimized for the 3DS, I'd be disappointed. But if it takes full advantage of the 3DS's resolution and features, I'll be excited.

Love and tolerate.

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By the way, the new pokemon are confirmed to be Kyurem's new forms and they are called "Black Kyurem" and "White Kyurem".

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Let me think about this...

Nintendo is putting the game that could make a lot of people jump from DS to the 3DS, on the DS too??????

Nintendo is putting the game that could double the 3DS install base on the DS????????

They killed the Wii and they are trying to kill the 3DS now???

when I saw this announcement, I thought ''well OBVIOUSLY this is pokemon black and white on th 3ds''.... but then I learn that this is a DS game?

Why for the love of god is this not a 3ds game?!


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


Salnax said:
If this is not optimized for the 3DS, I'd be disappointed. But if it takes full advantage of the 3DS's resolution and features, I'll be excited.

They have not said anything about resolution or 3D, but they said that it will be enhanced for the 3DS (streetpass?, better online?, other?).

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ok people, you all need to relax.... First off the DS has a user base of 140 mil plus, where the 3DS will have around 20 mil at that time. I wish it would've been for 3DS but I can still play it anyways so np. Also this was expected by many people as they have never released the same generation of pokemon on two separate consoles. They will bring the next gen of pokemon to 3DS. right now Nintendo has 4 main line mario games(Mario Land 3D, Side scrolling mario, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 7), Kid Icarus, Luigies Mansion, resident Evil Revelations, Zelda Ocarina of Time to push 3DS this year. Also you can expect announcements at E3.....All this does is assures nintendo will have another huge year when pokemon does come out for 3DS. Expect Super Smash Bros and Pokemon Gen 6 in the same year


flagstaad said:
Salnax said:
If this is not optimized for the 3DS, I'd be disappointed. But if it takes full advantage of the 3DS's resolution and features, I'll be excited.

They have not said anything about resolution or 3D, but they said that it will be enhanced for the 3DS (streetpass?, better online?, other?).

Hopefully it'll have a higher resolution or something because B/W look pretty bad on the 3DS.

I just thought of something.... THIS GAME WONT HAVE STREET PASS!!! omg a pokemon game with street pass would be the dream... but nooooooo... make this piece of *** on DS instead.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


spurgeonryan said:
Just read like 50 articles on twitter about this. I do not think that this is or will be the last we have heard of these games. DS? Seriously. They already said that they were done supporting the DS after Kirby. I know that Nintendo does not totally own Pokemon, which is why we keep seeing it on the iphone and other mobile devices, but this is a little much. The DS is barely holding its head above the PSP. No one will want to buy this on the DS when it comes out. Too much excitement is surrounding the 3DS right now, and even more in the future as more and more games come out for it. Bad idea.

That's what most of us have been saying. The DS is the absolute WORST choice for a new Pokemon game. This is just dumb strategy on Nintendo and GAME FREAK's part. I really hope that they change their plans on it being for the DS and put it on the 3DS. The 3DS would absolutely explode sales wise if this happened. It would totally sky rocket the console into even more Records. PLEASE don't make this stupid decision Nintendo! Please!

NintendoPie said:
spurgeonryan said:
Just read like 50 articles on twitter about this. I do not think that this is or will be the last we have heard of these games. DS? Seriously. They already said that they were done supporting the DS after Kirby. I know that Nintendo does not totally own Pokemon, which is why we keep seeing it on the iphone and other mobile devices, but this is a little much. The DS is barely holding its head above the PSP. No one will want to buy this on the DS when it comes out. Too much excitement is surrounding the 3DS right now, and even more in the future as more and more games come out for it. Bad idea.

That's what most of us have been saying. The DS is the absolute WORST choice for a new Pokemon game. This is just dumb strategy on Nintendo and GAME FREAK's part. I really hope that they change their plans on it being for the DS and put it on the 3DS. The 3DS would absolutely explode sales wise if this happened. It would totally sky rocket the console into even more Records. PLEASE don't make this stupid decision Nintendo! Please!

It is like they are trying to sabotage the 3DS.