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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create Sales 12/02 ~ 19/02

I'm hoping for Vita to go sub 10k... it'll be a good alarm call for Sony to do something - drastic.

SCEJ is simply inoperative right now.

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VicViper said:
I'm hoping for Vita to go sub 10k... it'll be a good alarm call for Sony to do something - drastic.

SCEJ is simply inoperative right now.

By drastic, do you mean cut the price? least, I guess that´s the first thing that comes to mind haha.

But then it seems they really can´t afford one right now..or can they?

They really need a Monster Hunter like phenomenon.

chidori-chan2 said:
anyone suprise for this poor sales of Tekken? i mean fighting games is dead in japan...

I think it's more due to Tekken 3D being the worst rated entry in franchise history. This generation alone, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Dissidia, Jump Stars, and Street Fighter 4 did alright on the consoles and handhelds alone. Even Tekken 6 did okay.

3DS boost! WOOOOOOW!

Carl2291 said:
3DS and PS3 seem to be doing good...

How long until Vita and Wii are in direct competition with the PS2?

Vita will never go that low.

Wii in about a year.

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JGarret said:
VicViper said:
I'm hoping for Vita to go sub 10k... it'll be a good alarm call for Sony to do something - drastic.

SCEJ is simply inoperative right now.

By drastic, do you mean cut the price? least, I guess that´s the first thing that comes to mind haha.

But then it seems they really can´t afford one right now..or can they?

They really need a Monster Hunter like phenomenon.

If you can't have a phenomenon (it's hard when Mario, MH, Pokemon and DQ are with your competitor) you must have several (or in this case a lot of) mini-phenomenons - god eater, new MGS, Resident Evil, Laytons, new big IPs. Announcements!!

If SCEJ is not able to produce them, you have to buy them! But I don't think sony will make a move towards that path, they seem to be wanting to make vita a western portable, just like the HD consoles are today... and frankly, that sucks. Activision being the top publisher for vita... lame.

kowenicki said:
pezus said:
sales2099 said:

3DS killer software keeps on coming! Amusing hardware numbers as usual

I know right, PS2 outselling 360 after all these years

Lol. Yeah right. Poor deflection. 

I find the 3DS being almost 4 times PSP plus PSVita the amusing one. Or for that matter PSP "outselling" PSVita "after all these years"

Well the PSP outsold the 3DS a lot too... how quickly they forget. Remember? Before the panic price-cut.

There will be less and less PSP releases within the next few months. Vita sales will start increasing and PSP sales will decrease.

Been saying for a while that New Love Plus would open at over 100k. It's fanbase is EXTREMELY dedicated. I would wager that a pretty significant amount of the 3DS hardware boost was from the Love Plus fans. It will likely end up around the same point as the two previous games as well 250-300k region.

RE:Revelations seems to be holding up pretty well. 3DS is really hitting it's stride. Got quite a few big/reasonable releases coming up as well.

Vita is..... yea. Not a huge amount on the horizon for it either. Not going to be too surprised if it drops below 10k a week.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

pezus said:
Argh_College said:
Lol Japan is Nintendo country, 360 doesnt sell, Sony just selling Ps3 because Wii fade away and aint hardcore, when Wii U cames out there´s no much hope for sony left, neither Microsoft.

That 3DS numbers are crazy :o

I don't understand your logic

im saying that PS3/360 base will jump to Wii U if Nintendo makes the system hardcore and with all these franchises that sell gangbusters in Japan Nintendo is set to dominate this Next Gen of home Consoles and Portables even more than they did This one.

Smeags, hope you don't mind that I used your data.

This was taken from the MC numbers.