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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGStockz: General Questions

Train wreck said:
Ail said:
Well I sold all my Sprint today following the huge 16% bump.
I really wanted to keep them till February to pay long taxes on my gains but the opportunity was too good...

In the end the stock raised by 146% between the time I purchased it and sold it so that was darn good...

Awesome! Even though the softbank rumors are kinda flaky in my eyes, the stock has seen an impressive run.

Too many regulations issues can block a merger in Telecom so it was a good time to sell...

That and I have been trying to reduce my stock exposure in prevision of congress dead lock over the fiscal cliff..


Now I have 3-4 months to find the next couple stock I want to invest in.

I'm still in Apple, Bank of America, Google, GE, NVDIA, Microsoft and TakeTwo but I'm going to need a couple more by January...

It can't be a technology stock I think as I am already over invested in that sector...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network
Ail said:
Train wreck said:
Ail said:
Well I sold all my Sprint today following the huge 16% bump.
I really wanted to keep them till February to pay long taxes on my gains but the opportunity was too good...

In the end the stock raised by 146% between the time I purchased it and sold it so that was darn good...

Awesome! Even though the softbank rumors are kinda flaky in my eyes, the stock has seen an impressive run.

Too many regulations issues can block a merger in Telecom so it was a good time to sell...

That and I have been trying to reduce my stock exposure in prevision of congress dead lock over the fiscal cliff..


Now I have 3-4 months to find the next couple stock I want to invest in.

I'm still in Apple, Bank of America, Google, GE, NVDIA, Microsoft and TakeTwo but I'm going to need a couple more by January...

It can't be a technology stock I think as I am already over invested in that sector...

Price action in Intel, Dell, HP and AMD and even Apple tells me that the future in tech looks suspect, especially with the fiscal cliff and slowing world economies.

US government account for a huge chunk of Dells and HP revenue and the casacde effects go from there (with intel chips and AMD cards), I see microsoft moving down also (lack of upgrades from local, state and federal govts for win 8 and office and server), esepcially if their new products (surface and Win 8) dont take off.

Nvidia looks meh, don't know about the adoption of tegra 3 and the pc slowing noted above will hurt their mainline gpu sales (dont see how AMD is punished and Nvidia isnt, their prospects are too much aligned)

Videogames, I dont know, Nitendo had a 5 dollar move up, it may be ready to take off but I still think there are challenges to the Wii U, take two is a good bet, more like a buy the rumor, sell the news stock (when GTA 5 is finally released)

THQI is really struggling. In the past week it dropped down to 3.42. Not as bad as its all-time low 3.36, but still.

Train wreck said:
Ail said:
Train wreck said:
Ail said:
Well I sold all my Sprint today following the huge 16% bump.
I really wanted to keep them till February to pay long taxes on my gains but the opportunity was too good...

In the end the stock raised by 146% between the time I purchased it and sold it so that was darn good...

Awesome! Even though the softbank rumors are kinda flaky in my eyes, the stock has seen an impressive run.

Too many regulations issues can block a merger in Telecom so it was a good time to sell...

That and I have been trying to reduce my stock exposure in prevision of congress dead lock over the fiscal cliff..


Now I have 3-4 months to find the next couple stock I want to invest in.

I'm still in Apple, Bank of America, Google, GE, NVDIA, Microsoft and TakeTwo but I'm going to need a couple more by January...

It can't be a technology stock I think as I am already over invested in that sector...

Price action in Intel, Dell, HP and AMD and even Apple tells me that the future in tech looks suspect, especially with the fiscal cliff and slowing world economies.

US government account for a huge chunk of Dells and HP revenue and the casacde effects go from there (with intel chips and AMD cards), I see microsoft moving down also (lack of upgrades from local, state and federal govts for win 8 and office and server), esepcially if their new products (surface and Win 8) dont take off.

Nvidia looks meh, don't know about the adoption of tegra 3 and the pc slowing noted above will hurt their mainline gpu sales (dont see how AMD is punished and Nvidia isnt, their prospects are too much aligned)

Videogames, I dont know, Nitendo had a 5 dollar move up, it may be ready to take off but I still think there are challenges to the Wii U, take two is a good bet, more like a buy the rumor, sell the news stock (when GTA 5 is finally released)

I'm not too worried about Apple and Google, Apple will hit 700$ again and I will sell half my shares then. The Apple fundamentals still push the stock up. The times of huge stocks gains are past but the stock will hit again its recent high...( i got my Apple at 400$ so it's not like I'm loosing there and whereas I didn't have that many Sprint I have a LOT of Apple...)

I agree Microsoft is more so-so but it pays decent dividend on the side.

I wouldn't touch HP or Dell even if they payed me to buy their stock...

I'm going to have to run a lot of stock screens and see what I find, but no need to rush I'm going to stay cash till the fiscal cliff stuff is resolved...

Right now, I have no concrete data but I'm thinking medical or an energy company..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Glad I sold my Sprint as soon as I noticed there was a bump this morning.
I sold at 5.85 and the stock is already down to 5.62...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network
happydolphin said:
THQI is really struggling. In the past week it dropped down to 3.42. Not as bad as its all-time low 3.36, but still.

THQ has a lot of problem bigger than videogame themselves, Nintendo going after a more core audience is not going to help either and Darkstriders is doing pretty lackluster.

Train wreck said:
happydolphin said:
THQI is really struggling. In the past week it dropped down to 3.42. Not as bad as its all-time low 3.36, but still.

THQ has a lot of problem bigger than videogame themselves, Nintendo going after a more core audience is not going to help either and Darkstriders is doing pretty lackluster.

They have no strong in company IP.

Whereas even if TTWO totally failed with their next releases their IP alone provide a good floor for the stock price ( GTA + Red Dead Redemption + BioShock + Borderlands together would be worth close to 1 billion$ in a fire sale..)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:

They have no strong in company IP.

Whereas even if TTWO totally failed with their next releases their IP alone provide a good floor for the stock price ( GTA + Red Dead Redemption + BioShock + Borderlands together would be worth close to 1 billion$ in a fire sale..)

That's a good point. Darksiders is their strongest IP, and it needs good flooring by other IPs, so that says alot. I have hope that Jason Rubin can bolster THQ's IPs, but on the short term the stock looks bleak.


happydolphin said:
Ail said:

They have no strong in company IP.

Whereas even if TTWO totally failed with their next releases their IP alone provide a good floor for the stock price ( GTA + Red Dead Redemption + BioShock + Borderlands together would be worth close to 1 billion$ in a fire sale..)

That's a good point. Darksiders is their strongest IP, and it needs good flooring by other IPs, so that says alot. I have hope that Jason Rubin can bolster THQ's IPs, but on the short term the stock looks bleak.


THQ will go bankrupt in the early years of the next generation of consoles if they don't establish a new homerun IP. They are essentially a distribution channel for developers/IP holders in an industry which developers no longer need to rely on a company with a big established distribution channel. They have no real value and their attempt to create new IP that they own is too little too late, I think. Their only IP is Saints Row, Company of Heroes(Which I loved), Red Faction, Homefront and Darksiders. I'd say only Saints Row and Company of Heroes has any real value though. You never know maybe they'll create the next big franchise, but I wouldn't put a dollar on that stock. Fingers crossed Metro: Last Light is well received. 

TTWO on the other hand seems to make solid game after solid game. I don't understand how they don't produce more profits. Maybe they just haven't seen the return on their investment in all their IP yet or maybe it was just a weak 2011 line up that has kept them down. Their stock is what actually brought me to this thread. I was looking at 2K games/Rockstar's game line up and they have been acquiring quality IP over the past 10 years. TTWO might be the best third party game publisher in the industry today. They have GTA which is obviously the big prize Franchise. Then they have other big franchises in Red Dead, Bioshock, Borderlands, Mafia, Max Payne, Midnight Club, and NBA 2K as well as quality lesser sold IPs in Spec Ops, The Darkness, Manhunt and Civilization and well received stand alone games L.A. Noire and Bully. The most recent weekly chart has Take Two in 4 of the top 11 spots and 14 of the top 100 spots. With 6 unique games making the charts: NBA 2k13, Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Max Payne 3, Red Dead Redemption, and GTA IV.

According to it's game line up TTWO should post good numbers in the upcoming quarters. Their fiscals 2013 game line up is much stronger than their fiscal 2012 line up(which they lost $107.7 million on the year.) Comparing NBA 2K12, L.A. Noire, MLB 2K12, and Duke Nukem Forever to Max Payne 3, The Darkness II, Spec Ops: the Line, Borderlands 2, XCOM:Enemy Unknown, NBA 2K13, the Civ V expansion pack and the first month of Bioshock Infinite's sales, fiscal 2013 should be a much better year. Much more comparable to their fiscal 2011 game line up which netted $53.8 million for the year on sales from NBA 2K11, MLB2K10, Bioshock 2, Mafia II, Civ V, New Carnival Games, and Red Dead Redemption. Fiscal 2014 should see the release of GTA V making it a good year as well. I'm actually going to be watching the stock close and maybe tempted to invest, even though I normally don't invest in the video game industry.  

My holdings include AAPL, GOOG, SIRI, NSC, AXP, MSFT, CVX, and F in order of their value, incase anyone was curious. And MSFT is in the video game industry but that's not why I invested in them, though I do like them having the XBOX brand. 

In this past week, THQ's stock has dropped from 3.5 to a 2.75 share value. Since the end of august roughly 1.5 months ago the stock dropped from a value of 5$/share to 2.75, dropping almost to half its value.

There is little hope in sight for the stock. Next date, Nov 5th 2012, when THQ reports its financials for 2nd quarter of fiscal 2013. Get your popcorn ready...