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Train wreck said:
Ail said:
Well I sold all my Sprint today following the huge 16% bump.
I really wanted to keep them till February to pay long taxes on my gains but the opportunity was too good...

In the end the stock raised by 146% between the time I purchased it and sold it so that was darn good...

Awesome! Even though the softbank rumors are kinda flaky in my eyes, the stock has seen an impressive run.

Too many regulations issues can block a merger in Telecom so it was a good time to sell...

That and I have been trying to reduce my stock exposure in prevision of congress dead lock over the fiscal cliff..


Now I have 3-4 months to find the next couple stock I want to invest in.

I'm still in Apple, Bank of America, Google, GE, NVDIA, Microsoft and TakeTwo but I'm going to need a couple more by January...

It can't be a technology stock I think as I am already over invested in that sector...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !