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Forums - Sony Discussion - If there could be one thing

Im not interested in the trojan horse that is Blu ray. I'd prefer it if Sony put less emphasis on integration across products thus allowing them to lower the price. I will wait for another price drop.

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FF13!!!! edit: + FF14 ;)

Quality for Life

Capcom announces that all Resident Evil games will be exclusive for Playstation and a $100,- pricedrop and it's mine.

Full BC in a model that costs $300 or less = I purchase...maybe not right away but probably within a couple of months. Contrary to popular belief I don't hate the PS3 and I have said so all along and have also said all along that I am seriously considering getting one. But that would be the point that I would feel compelled to buy in so long as the PS3 continue to look healthy as it does now...a year ago I would have said "not unless something changes"..and it has.

But if I had to pick just one? They must re-introduce full BC or I will not purchase a PS3, plain and simple.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Why do you care so much about BC? I mean, you're putting that over the PS3 games.

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As I dont have a PS3 as of now, its the price. at 150 euro, the ps3 would be an instabuy.

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grandmaster192 said:
Why do you care so much about BC? I mean, you're putting that over the PS3 games.

The PS3 has a small handful of games that interest me, and only two of them will I be sad if I miss out on (GTA & LBP..less so for LBP).  Thats just my preferences is all.  With that said I have a lot of old PS2 games I still enjoy playing and I would very much like to continue playing when my PS2 (which already has shown signs of death) dies off.

But the bottom line is this:  If Sony won't support my past investments in their products into the future then I won't do business with them.  Sometimes you have to cut yourself off when its in your longterm best interest even if it means missing out on a bit of fun in the short term...thats just a part of life in general and its why I stopped playing Everquest....sure it was a lot of fun and I miss it from time to time but my life needed to move on ..and so I did.

I know for some people its not that big of an issue, and thats fine, thats their choice and I can understand that viewpoint...but I still don't agree with it. 

To Each Man, Responsibility

In game XMB!!!!

and Final Fantasy

Theres not much. The ps3 is pretty good an it's at a decent price for what it offers. I'd choose in game music and most of all Killzone 2.

jjseth said:
Madskillz, if that were all to happen today, then you'd rush out and pick one up then? I think as far as the price, it should be down to $300 by late this year or early 09. And BC, well, I still am thinking that they will finally have a good software emulation for those games that they will play on all of the consoles.

And Profile 1.1 did offer alot of neat new features for Blu-Ray's that are pretty cool to see. :) It will just continue to get better.

Realistically, it would be a possiblity, but I still don't see a lot of games I want right now. I have finally accepted the fact that I am a gaming junkie. If I see something I want, I usually get it quickly. Now? I have a room filled with Rock Band, Guitar Hero II and III, tons of games, consoles, movies and the like and yet I find myself popping in Mass Effect and for the most part, forgetting about everything else. From a financial standpoint, I literally have thousands of dollars of software, hardware and the like that I never touch. I am crazy about a game for a lil while, then toss it aside. For me to get a PS3, right now, I'd have to really analyze whether or not buying a PS3 right now would be the best move for me. From what I see, I wouldn't mind trying out Uncharted, the F1 game, but I have no real interest in Blu Ray, and as anyone who's seen my shelf knows, I like video games, but I have ADD with video games. I would end up buying a PS3 and within 2 weeks, I'd likely be playing Mass Effect again.

I dunno ...