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jjseth said:
Madskillz, if that were all to happen today, then you'd rush out and pick one up then? I think as far as the price, it should be down to $300 by late this year or early 09. And BC, well, I still am thinking that they will finally have a good software emulation for those games that they will play on all of the consoles.

And Profile 1.1 did offer alot of neat new features for Blu-Ray's that are pretty cool to see. :) It will just continue to get better.

Realistically, it would be a possiblity, but I still don't see a lot of games I want right now. I have finally accepted the fact that I am a gaming junkie. If I see something I want, I usually get it quickly. Now? I have a room filled with Rock Band, Guitar Hero II and III, tons of games, consoles, movies and the like and yet I find myself popping in Mass Effect and for the most part, forgetting about everything else. From a financial standpoint, I literally have thousands of dollars of software, hardware and the like that I never touch. I am crazy about a game for a lil while, then toss it aside. For me to get a PS3, right now, I'd have to really analyze whether or not buying a PS3 right now would be the best move for me. From what I see, I wouldn't mind trying out Uncharted, the F1 game, but I have no real interest in Blu Ray, and as anyone who's seen my shelf knows, I like video games, but I have ADD with video games. I would end up buying a PS3 and within 2 weeks, I'd likely be playing Mass Effect again.

I dunno ...