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grandmaster192 said:
Why do you care so much about BC? I mean, you're putting that over the PS3 games.

The PS3 has a small handful of games that interest me, and only two of them will I be sad if I miss out on (GTA & LBP..less so for LBP).  Thats just my preferences is all.  With that said I have a lot of old PS2 games I still enjoy playing and I would very much like to continue playing when my PS2 (which already has shown signs of death) dies off.

But the bottom line is this:  If Sony won't support my past investments in their products into the future then I won't do business with them.  Sometimes you have to cut yourself off when its in your longterm best interest even if it means missing out on a bit of fun in the short term...thats just a part of life in general and its why I stopped playing Everquest....sure it was a lot of fun and I miss it from time to time but my life needed to move on ..and so I did.

I know for some people its not that big of an issue, and thats fine, thats their choice and I can understand that viewpoint...but I still don't agree with it. 

To Each Man, Responsibility