All right, I guess this topic is simple enough. What are your greatest gaming accomplishments?
Here's my top 5:
5. Actually complete Super Mario Bros (NES)
That's right, my signature doesn't lie: I tracked that bitch down, I found "TEH CASTLE!!1". And not only did I do it once; Peach told me that there was another adventure with greater challenges (actually there was only harder and faster enemies), so I did them too... What? That's easy to accomplish?? Well, I was proud once I made it at least...
4. Perfect Dark Zero (X360) - Dark Agent!
That's right, I made the impossible: Completed the entire story on Dark Agent! While many people found the Perfect Agent difficulty to be ridiculously hard, this bastard featured the very same thing in addition to absolutely zero health regeneration and no armours to pick up... To put this in perspective; one guy in my friend list has got every single achievment in this game EXCEPT this one... so, um yeah... I'm great...
3. F-Zero X (N64) - Master difficulty!
While F-Zero has always been known as one of the hardest racing series, this particular one truly made a name for itself. Not only did you always have to start at last place each time you won the previous race, but, unlike other F-Zero games, all opponents cheated! Yep, they had the boosting ability the entire first lap while you had to wait until the second one to catch up... Oh well, guess I can't complain far too much since I STILL WON!
2. Dead Space 2 (X360) - Hardcore difficulty!
Pretty similair accomplishment to number 4. But this time, it got way worse! Normally, you'd get a checkpoint at about every new room you entered so that you could respawn once you died (duh!). Also, there are about 20-30 saving points that you can use in case you'd wanna stop playing since the campaign takes about 6-8 hours depending on how much you care for supplies and ammo that are scattered all over the game. However, on the hardcore difficulty... you could only save three times! That's right, THREE FUCKING TIMES! But that's not the worst part: Each time you die you respawn at the latest save point!! So yeah, this took me a while (and the xbox even fucking froze at one point after 60% and no saves...) but I eventually made it!!!
1. Guitar Hero 3 (X360) - Through the Fire And Flames!
While some of you might not be too impressed by this, I SURE WAS!! And you know what? Not only did I beat this bitch, eventually I got 5 stars and 93%!!! Can you beat that?, nope didn't think so... And if you can, you're a nerd!
But, enough about me and my awesomeness, what's your greatest video game accomplishment(s)?