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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If you were in charge of Nintendo, how would you manage the Wii U's first year

Release following games 1st year:

Super Mario Kart Wii
Super Mario Bros Wii 2
WiiFit 2
WiiParty 2
WiiSports 3
WiiPlay 3

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I like your plan OP, but I would bundle a physical demo copy of NSMB Mii and Wii U Sports, and have them buy the retail or digital versions. I would bundle a full minigames disk like catch Mii et al though.

archbrix said:

My dream scenario begins at E3 '12...

At E3 announce that GTA5 and Bioshock Infinite will be launch games (or launch window upon release) and incorporate unique features via the tablet (Infinite to include optional pointer control).  Also a name change (Wii 2, Wii HD, or Nintendo Stream), and confirm two tablet support.

Launch details:

Launch in September in Japan and NA, October in Europe and Australia.  Price it at $349.99 with the console, one tablet controller, an HDMI cable, and a unique, addictive pack-in game (announced at E3) with the appeal of Wii Sports that shows off the tablet and streaming functionality.

Stand alone tablet controllers sell for $89.99 and come with the E3 demos we've already seen (Chase Mii, etc).

Re-launch the Classic Controller Pro wireless for $29.99.

First party day one launch games:  Super Mario Bros Mii, Waverace.  GTA5 and Bioshock Infinite among the 3rd party launch games (or launch window if not released yet), along with the already known games (Darkness 2, Batman AC, Metro, Aliens, Ninja Gaiden, etc).

Launch window games (by year's end):  Pikmin 3, new Wii Sports, and possibly the new Retro game.  Resident Evil 6 and COD among the 3rd party launch window games.

2013 details:  No way of knowing, but definitely have a new Wii Fit sometime in 2013 and launch the new Mario Kart against the NeXtbox.

Very nice! Though I would also pack in physical demos of NSMB Wii and Wii Sports U to give them a taste. They will want to buy them.

Also, the Classic Controller would need to be remodeled to look like the 360 controller as much as possible :) And feel less like a piece of plastic.

Joelcool7 said:
After reading other peoples plans I fear whaf would happen if Nintendo actually followed them. I find two massive problems.

1. Mario launch day or window. Mario is Nintendo's juggernaut he is a very powerful launch title. However the console is launching holiday season. Unlike 3DS which launchex during an off time. Mario is so huge he would crush other launch titles his long legs would last the full year making it more difficult to launch new IP or even other established IP. The idea of sending in Mario Kart also within the first year would be massive over kill. It would deal a massive blow to first and third party software. I do not think Mario should be used within the first six months unless WiiU tanks. Star Fox and Donkey Kong would be ideal launch titles due to their rarity and large fanbases. With a Sonic exclusive and WiiUDraw, Pikmin3 plus any other launch titles from third parties, in Japan having Pokemon. The WiiU would be out of stock all holiday season globally. Mario would sell the system as well but it would crush the other software. Miyamoto's new IP and hopefully one from Retro need a chance with less competition hence why I said launch in January and February respectively. Right after the holidays kids and teens want to get games for their systems so these new IP would be best for the first half of 2013. Launching Mario in August would be huge it would he right before nexfbox launches in september or October. Mario would fly off the shelves taking attention off nextbox with no Halo5 Microsoft cannot counter in a massive way. Sony will likely launch too. This is why I mention the casual killer app an educational game utilizing all of Nintendo's strongest properties. This game would be advertised directly at parents during back to school shopping. If Nintendo can win over the parents right as MS and Sony launch Nintendo will have a very strong holiday lineup alongside WiiFitU to further sell parents over the holidays. Nintendo could throw in ebook text books through a deal with a text book company. By targeting the parents and children simultaneously with Mario and the educational game as well as WiiFitU Nintendo could put up a massive fight against the new competitors. Plus they would have announced MarioKartU for 2013 further driving sales.

2. Giving third parties a break in the release schedule. This is something Nintendo has tried multiple times. They tried with DS tried with Wii and most recently tried with 3DS. Nintendo would space their first and second party releases out way to far. Third parties have proven unreliable. Nintendo can and should release at least one first or second party title each month for the first year. No break, to accomodate third parties Nintendo should release new IP most of the first six months. The first two launch titles DK and StarFox would be more then enough established fire power alongside Pikmin to secure hardware sales. The new IP would give third party software a good chance without risking a drought. Third parties would have up to three weeks each week with no challenging software releases.

Third party ports will do shit for WiiU. They will not shift hardware even if Nintendo got GTA5 and CoD etc..etc.. they would not push hardware much if at all. Nintendo needs exclusive content first party new IP would be perfect to lead the charge while third parties still get a good chance. A third party established title like WiiUDraw against a new IP has a decent chance. Just Dance against a new IP alright chance. Sonic against Star Fox and Donkey Kong far better chance then Mario.

Nintendo needs to create an enviroment where third parties can compete, but not one in which Nintendo relies on them too much. They cannot make the mistakes they did with 3DS. The WiiU will be at least 350$ making it among Nintendo's most expensive systems to date they need software from both third and first party. Mario would be far to powerful for a launch window title in fact third parties would likely delay their games to avoid a direct battle. While giving third parties free reign would leave consumers who just spent 350$+ without the high quality software they expect.

During 3DS Nintendo expected 30+ games to launch inside the launch window. Many were cancelled or delayed. Nintendo did not have a strong first party title or titles launch day because they expected third parties to flood the system. By the time Nintendo got its first party guns to the market 3DS needed a price cut and it required Zelda, StarFox and Mario to restart the engine. Nintendo cannot repeat that mistake. Plus the firzt year of hardware on the market is also the best time to introduce new IP.

Gaah!! Joel, format, format, format! Make your interesting words look interesting!

happydolphin said:
Joelcool7 said:
After reading other peoples plans I fear whaf would happen if Nintendo actually followed them. I find two massive problems.

1. Mario launch day or window. Mario is Nintendo's juggernaut he is a very powerful launch title. However the console is launching holiday season. Unlike 3DS which launchex during an off time. Mario is so huge he would crush other launch titles his long legs would last the full year making it more difficult to launch new IP or even other established IP. The idea of sending in Mario Kart also within the first year would be massive over kill. It would deal a massive blow to first and third party software. I do not think Mario should be used within the first six months unless WiiU tanks. Star Fox and Donkey Kong would be ideal launch titles due to their rarity and large fanbases. With a Sonic exclusive and WiiUDraw, Pikmin3 plus any other launch titles from third parties, in Japan having Pokemon. The WiiU would be out of stock all holiday season globally. Mario would sell the system as well but it would crush the other software. Miyamoto's new IP and hopefully one from Retro need a chance with less competition hence why I said launch in January and February respectively. Right after the holidays kids and teens want to get games for their systems so these new IP would be best for the first half of 2013. Launching Mario in August would be huge it would he right before nexfbox launches in september or October. Mario would fly off the shelves taking attention off nextbox with no Halo5 Microsoft cannot counter in a massive way. Sony will likely launch too. This is why I mention the casual killer app an educational game utilizing all of Nintendo's strongest properties. This game would be advertised directly at parents during back to school shopping. If Nintendo can win over the parents right as MS and Sony launch Nintendo will have a very strong holiday lineup alongside WiiFitU to further sell parents over the holidays. Nintendo could throw in ebook text books through a deal with a text book company. By targeting the parents and children simultaneously with Mario and the educational game as well as WiiFitU Nintendo could put up a massive fight against the new competitors. Plus they would have announced MarioKartU for 2013 further driving sales.

2. Giving third parties a break in the release schedule. This is something Nintendo has tried multiple times. They tried with DS tried with Wii and most recently tried with 3DS. Nintendo would space their first and second party releases out way to far. Third parties have proven unreliable. Nintendo can and should release at least one first or second party title each month for the first year. No break, to accomodate third parties Nintendo should release new IP most of the first six months. The first two launch titles DK and StarFox would be more then enough established fire power alongside Pikmin to secure hardware sales. The new IP would give third party software a good chance without risking a drought. Third parties would have up to three weeks each week with no challenging software releases.

Third party ports will do shit for WiiU. They will not shift hardware even if Nintendo got GTA5 and CoD etc..etc.. they would not push hardware much if at all. Nintendo needs exclusive content first party new IP would be perfect to lead the charge while third parties still get a good chance. A third party established title like WiiUDraw against a new IP has a decent chance. Just Dance against a new IP alright chance. Sonic against Star Fox and Donkey Kong far better chance then Mario.

Nintendo needs to create an enviroment where third parties can compete, but not one in which Nintendo relies on them too much. They cannot make the mistakes they did with 3DS. The WiiU will be at least 350$ making it among Nintendo's most expensive systems to date they need software from both third and first party. Mario would be far to powerful for a launch window title in fact third parties would likely delay their games to avoid a direct battle. While giving third parties free reign would leave consumers who just spent 350$+ without the high quality software they expect.

During 3DS Nintendo expected 30+ games to launch inside the launch window. Many were cancelled or delayed. Nintendo did not have a strong first party title or titles launch day because they expected third parties to flood the system. By the time Nintendo got its first party guns to the market 3DS needed a price cut and it required Zelda, StarFox and Mario to restart the engine. Nintendo cannot repeat that mistake. Plus the firzt year of hardware on the market is also the best time to introduce new IP.

Gaah!! Joel, format, format, format! Make your interesting words look interesting!

Yes, it's a shitload of text - but it makes sense!He's just spitting out valid point after valid point - blowing my mind! Go Joe!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.