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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo FYQ3 Financials - Profits, Wii 5.61, 3DS 8.36, all HW Forecasts Lowered

These are shipped numbers?


and VGchartz data goes by consumer/retail sales, right? Is the 3DS really that over-tracked, or am I misunderstanding something here?

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I've been saying Wii shipments will finish below 10 millions for 3 quarters already...

Also does someone have 3DS total shipments calculated ? We seem to have around 300-400k on shelves at end of december.


Roar_Of_War said:

These are shipped numbers?


and VGchartz data goes by consumer/retail sales, right? Is the 3DS really that over-tracked, or am I misunderstanding something here?

15m shipped and 14,5m sold to end of december sounds reasonable to me.


Yes,i know this is bad but the truth they turn out a profit is above my expectation.

I know they have tough road ahead but at least 3ds is picking up now,If  WiiU has strong and sucessful lauch,may be the situation will be better.

This is beyond terrible. Nintendo was once known for conservative estimates - but they've been regularly lowering their forecasts the last couple of years. Let's hope they get back on track and won't make the same mistakes again with the Wii u.

3DS numbers have been really good over the holidays. That yearly forecast still reflects Nintendo's arrogance prior to the 3DS launch. They could easily sell 20m 3DS next fiscal year but this will easily prompt loads of "3DS isn't selling!" articles all over the net.

So for the three months ended Dec. 2011:

Net sales - 340,428 (million Yen)

Operating Income - 40,938 (million Yen)

Net Income - 21,922 (million Yen)

This is not my own calculation, it was someone's in Gaf.



So, in US dollars (using Google..) that's:

Net sales - 4.3876 billion U.S. dollars

Operating Income - 527.6 million U.S. dollars

Net Income - 282.53 million U.S. dollars


Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

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Why do analysts and the media in general always blame Nintendo's slow down on social gaming ect. Completely ignoring that 5/6 year old HD HW are having their best years, so no, social gaming clearly isn't having an affect on home consoles, it's just Wii experiencing the usual sales curve.


3DS did not have poor performance.

Nintendo expected way too much. The 3DS is walking on the DS comparatively.

kowenicki said:
Seece said:
Why do analysts and the media in general always blame Nintendo's slow down on social gaming ect. Completely ignoring that 5/6 year old HD HW are having their best years, so no, social gaming clearly isn't having an affect on home consoles, it's just Wii experiencing the usual sales curve.

That doesnt explain the weak 3DS performance and the inevitable PSVita's poor sales performance

People on this forum really need to start to accept that other styles of gaming... mobile phones, pads and yes social gaming ARE going to have a massive impact on consoles.... particularly dedicated handhelds.

And now a raft of people will come and tell me that I am wrong... again.

Lets just wait and see how this year pans out shall we.

Wasn't talking about handheld gaming though, I agree IOS ect is having an impact.

I do genuinely think people are slightly losing interest in handheld gaming regardless of other competitive platforms.


kowenicki said:
Judgement-2012 said:
Roar_Of_War said:

These are shipped numbers?


and VGchartz data goes by consumer/retail sales, right? Is the 3DS really that over-tracked, or am I misunderstanding something here?

15m shipped and 14,5m sold to end of december sounds reasonable to me.


Yes,i know this is bad but the truth they turn out a profit is above my expectation.

I know they have tough road ahead but at least 3ds is picking up now,If  WiiU has strong and sucessful lauch,may be the situation will be better.


They sold that 500k in the 7 days following this shipment number according to VGC.  So they had 7 days supply for the planet, I think we would have heard about issues and shortgages all over the place if that were true.

Nah, its too high on here

needs a good 750k to 1m adjustment down.

uhhh....At what intervals do nintendo ship 3ds's? Why couldn't they had a next shipment within those seven days? (This whole ship/sold thing is the most stupidest shit I swear)

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

"Hasn't taken sufficient measures to combat the currency problem"

What precisely can they do? Short of lobbying the Japanese government to do something about it (which they have been trying to do to no avail).

The problem with the Yen is too much savings. Supposedly upwards of $300 billion in this country is kept in cash (what we in America would call "stuffed under a mattress"). If the Japanese incentivized spending better, the problem would go away, but there is little Nintendo could do short of jacking up prices across the board abroad, which would just lead to reduced revenue anyway (though they could get more profit per unit, so if they decreased production volume...)

The point is it's very hard to legitimately criticize Nintendo's position vis-a-vis the Yen ("legitimately" meaning, criticize with a workable solution in mind).

Perhaps they should just move all their Japanese operations except domestic distribution out of the country, but then that would create huge HR problems...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.