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Forums - General Discussion - Guess the user picture game!

5) Lesser known member Mew-Cloud?

Signature goes here!

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or better yet PokeClaudel

Signature goes here!

Nope! Both wrong. But you're close with your first answer. Oh, and how has no 1 got number 1 yet? It's easy!!

5) -NewCloud-

Signature goes here!

Correct! Now all that remains is number 1! Oh, and someone else needs to post some pics besides me

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1) Porcupine_I

Damn korppi, you are good at this game! Oh, and now we need some more puzzles... Spurge? Korppi? Truckosaurus? Silver tiger? Troll whisperer? Pezus? Acevil? Trasharmdsister? ANYONE?!

man-bear-pig said:
Oh, and now we need some more puzzles... ANYONE?!

Mine's still unsolved.

But here's a few simple ones I made up just now:




3.) wagram

2) Boutros