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I watch on animecrazy. The first page is usually filled with "first!" comments and the like so there's nothing distracting or bothering there. Although there might be some people complaining about fillers or flashback but I think it's a lot better than what you're seeing. 0_0

Which reminds me, I need to go watch this week's One Piece.

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Is anyone watching the new HxH anime? Im hating it so far, really bad compared to the 1999 one which was awesome especially in the end of the hunter exam until the start of greed island.

Im hating music (especially the first ending) and animation, I feel that after more than 10 years the product couldve been much better.

Maybe they lowered the target audience (Im 21 and I feel I would have enjoyed it when I was 12) but I feel dissapointed.

Soriku said:
TheKoreanGuy said:
I watch on animecrazy. The first page is usually filled with "first!" comments and the like so there's nothing distracting or bothering there. Although there might be some people complaining about fillers or flashback but I think it's a lot better than what you're seeing. 0_0

Which reminds me, I need to go watch this week's One Piece.

There's always people like that but doesn't matter me much. People complaining ought to just watch another show because they miss what One Piece is even about...


I can't believe Sanji just told Jimbei to kill himself like that lol. I expected more from a Straw Hat crew member. And Luffy was sleeping through the whole thing! I was hoping he would listen in as he tends to be more badass when he is emotionally driven.

Yeah, this is a good arc and people shouldn't be complaining. Maybe people are just restless for some action since it is the first arc post-timeskip idk. When it is all said and done, One Piece will go down in history as the one of, if not, the greatest anime/shounen ever. And what a sad day that will be when OP is over...

Soriku said:

I plan on watching it once it gets to Greed Island (watched some of the GI OVA but dropped it since I got kinda bored). This is pretty sad though, HxH is definitely not the type of show that should get censors and stuff as it's a pretty serious type of shonen when even more mainstream shows like One Piece still has blood in it. Gintama's also very popular and they're even allowed to show this much violence:

This is something I didn't like about the Reborn anime too. Stupid censors.

Yeah, I dont know why they did that, I mean, Madhouse has done great works (I was a really big fan of Hajime no Ippo), but this HxH anime looks like Naruto but worst, like you said, HxH was about everything they took away, the dark bloody world mixed with an innocent Gon, take away one of those and you are left with a generic and boring anime.

When I felt it most was in the fight between Gon and Hanzo, in the 99 anime it was intense, the animation and music made you feel like it was serious and Gon was really being tortured, while in the 2011 one, it looks like a simple dragon ball fight.

I just hope it gets better now, but it doesnt look like they will change the focus of the series.

pastro243 said:
Soriku said:

I plan on watching it once it gets to Greed Island (watched some of the GI OVA but dropped it since I got kinda bored). This is pretty sad though, HxH is definitely not the type of show that should get censors and stuff as it's a pretty serious type of shonen when even more mainstream shows like One Piece still has blood in it. Gintama's also very popular and they're even allowed to show this much violence:

This is something I didn't like about the Reborn anime too. Stupid censors.

Yeah, I dont know why they did that, I mean, Madhouse has done great works (I was a really big fan of Hajime no Ippo), but this HxH anime looks like Naruto but worst, like you said, HxH was about everything they took away, the dark bloody world mixed with an innocent Gon, take away one of those and you are left with a generic and boring anime.

When I felt it most was in the fight between Gon and Hanzo, in the 99 anime it was intense, the animation and music made you feel like it was serious and Gon was really being tortured, while in the 2011 one, it looks like a simple dragon ball fight.

I just hope it gets better now, but it doesnt look like they will change the focus of the series.

I have to agree, but I will keep watching it to keep myself distracted until the manga goes out of hiatus again....

Former something....

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Blacksaber said:
pastro243 said:
Soriku said:

I plan on watching it once it gets to Greed Island (watched some of the GI OVA but dropped it since I got kinda bored). This is pretty sad though, HxH is definitely not the type of show that should get censors and stuff as it's a pretty serious type of shonen when even more mainstream shows like One Piece still has blood in it. Gintama's also very popular and they're even allowed to show this much violence:

This is something I didn't like about the Reborn anime too. Stupid censors.

Yeah, I dont know why they did that, I mean, Madhouse has done great works (I was a really big fan of Hajime no Ippo), but this HxH anime looks like Naruto but worst, like you said, HxH was about everything they took away, the dark bloody world mixed with an innocent Gon, take away one of those and you are left with a generic and boring anime.

When I felt it most was in the fight between Gon and Hanzo, in the 99 anime it was intense, the animation and music made you feel like it was serious and Gon was really being tortured, while in the 2011 one, it looks like a simple dragon ball fight.

I just hope it gets better now, but it doesnt look like they will change the focus of the series.

I have to agree, but I will keep watching it to keep myself distracted until the manga goes out of hiatus again....

Thats another thing to get mad about lol

pastro243 said:
Blacksaber said:
pastro243 said:
Soriku said:

I plan on watching it once it gets to Greed Island (watched some of the GI OVA but dropped it since I got kinda bored). This is pretty sad though, HxH is definitely not the type of show that should get censors and stuff as it's a pretty serious type of shonen when even more mainstream shows like One Piece still has blood in it. Gintama's also very popular and they're even allowed to show this much violence:

This is something I didn't like about the Reborn anime too. Stupid censors.

Yeah, I dont know why they did that, I mean, Madhouse has done great works (I was a really big fan of Hajime no Ippo), but this HxH anime looks like Naruto but worst, like you said, HxH was about everything they took away, the dark bloody world mixed with an innocent Gon, take away one of those and you are left with a generic and boring anime.

When I felt it most was in the fight between Gon and Hanzo, in the 99 anime it was intense, the animation and music made you feel like it was serious and Gon was really being tortured, while in the 2011 one, it looks like a simple dragon ball fight.

I just hope it gets better now, but it doesnt look like they will change the focus of the series.

I have to agree, but I will keep watching it to keep myself distracted until the manga goes out of hiatus again....

Thats another thing to get mad about lol

I think it might be the most hiatus ridden manga ever at this point, but he deserves his breaks since he does all the art work by himself without any help from assistants. Any other manga I would've given up with the hiatuses but HxH is so great I really just don't mind at this point as long as Togashi keeps the series going i'll be happy.

Former something....

Well, I'm somewhat surprised Soriku. Most people are far too kind to big shounen series.

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That was a Awesome scen on Gintama... I think I'm gonna continue the anime later...

And the new anime of HxH isn't so bad.. I don't mind some "saliva" instead of blood...XD I think is pretty good.. maybe I see it like that because I don't have any nostalgic memopries about the original... :/

Yesterday ended watching Spice & Wolf second season.. Now i'm watching the first season..XD


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Soriku said:

Christ. Has anyone else seen comments like these?

Basically, all the anime I watch is on Anyway, I watch One Piece and for the past couple weeks the comments section is just ridiculous. Right now a good flashback is happening (in fact it's the best series of eps in OP for a while. OP flashbacks are always good.) and there's complaining people about it because there's no action. Not everyone is doing this, most comments are OK, but there's always a couple of idiots each ep. I'll let the comments speak for themselves:

"I better see some fucking action. This is the worst fucking arc ever. The slut princess and the whore queen. Why the fuck can’t they all die. Man I will fuck them up and get them pregnant and when she was about to give birth, I’ll kill the bitch. The worst fucking flashback and the worst fucking story. I want some action you fucking cunt. Fuck you and this One Piece of Shit."

"if they keep showing f@#$$k’n story they ‘ll fuc@#$ked up one piece"

"i hate flash backs! i was looking forward to watching one piece all flipping week but nothing interesting has happend! T-T this is staring to piss me off >_<.."

"fuck get over this past story shit already, jimbei u talk too much, tits or GTFO."


Shallow morons.

To be fair I would agree it being the worst arc, as it plainly just rehased the Arlong arc albiet to a larger scale and Hodi's motivations came out as shallow. This arc was used to introduce the new improved SH crew to the audience with the only saving grace was the flashback. Oda knew that people saw that arc quite unfavourably with the current arc "Punk Hazard" being his finest work in a while. In the end it could be my personal favorite.

Gintama episode 25 got me in tears, I can see why people are endeared to the series but unlike me, some people may not have the patience for it to get to the good stuff.

Top 3 Gintama episodes for me were: 25,28 and 34

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