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Forums - Sales Discussion - Analyst: Xbox Business a 'Disastrous Endeavor' for Microsoft

Shane said:

Xbox is an anomally. They dropped $2 billion on Live, $400 million on Rare, and slashed the price by $100 6 months after launch. This wasn't a strategy about making their system profitable over the long term. This was about building a brand to last generations.

Microsoft's better off focusing on Europe than Japan, though to do PS1/PS2 numbers would require everything in spades.

The Xbox brand is worth zero without Microsoft. This is a brand that hasn't made a dime in 5.5 years. Losses are steady at $1 billion per year. Who would value that kind of brand? Running the XBox is like running the U.S. Agricultural Department.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

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Don't forget that Microsoft has a three phase plan.

The first phase showed Microsoft could enter the industry. Microsoft focused on North America. The X-Box was sort of to test the water see what the consumers wanted and to give the consumers what they wanted. Microsoft really never expected it to actually blow the competition out of the water rather to see just how viable an entrance would be.

Phase two is to bring Microsoft's X-Box to a gloabl audience with the 360. This phase has seen Microsoft putting alot of effort into the Asian markets. We've seen 360 enter India , Korea , China and Japan. Microsoft has put a ton of pressure on Japanese developers to develope solid titles for Microsoft in Japan. Microsoft's constant buyouts and deas in Japan are seen as a messure to make an impact test the Asian water's and become known more in Asia. Microsoft also is back to profitability with every hardware unit sold this is a major asset they lost billions on the X-Box for the same reason (No hardware profitability) Charging money for the X-Box Live service should also be helping them financially.

Phase three to see if they can stick. Can Microsoft make enough of an impact on the Asian/European markets to create a successful platform. Microsoft will likely go smaller budget for the next X-Box's hardware. Microsoft will likely try to be profitable from day one unlike the first two phases. Microsoft will see if they have created a large enough stronghold to make it worth their while to maintain the X-Box brand. Chances are Microsoft will put a ton of effort into building a final platform and givin it one last try.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


LOL at Sharky. Every new leader in the VG industry has taken over in one generation. Magnavox developed Odyssey starting in 1966, and launched in 1972. Atari killed them with PONG overnight, and then led a second generation with 2600. Nintendo's first console recreated and expanded the industry, and they led a second generation. PSone took over and expanded the market, and Sony led a second generation. And all three companies were hugely profitable during their glory years. Microsoft taking over the high-end of the market in two generations while losing billions is pitiful in comparison.

Joelcool, great post. "Microsoft views Sony as hostile to their core market and dominant position in the PC industry." I don't know why people don't talk about MS in these terms more. Everything they do outside of Windows and Office is simply a defensive measure to make sure nothing ever takes over part of the PC market. Right now they're taking on Google, Apple and Sony all at once.

Of course MS is totally failing... Its obvious when Wii and PS2 are the leading consoles around the world that people prefer cheaper, dedicated devices. Sony's plan of using the VG market as a springboard towards the PC market was doomed to failure regardless of if MS entered the industry or not. Sony talked about PS2 as being a PC, and look how that turned out. Even if PS3 wasn't priced out of the market, and sold 100m consoles, it wouldn't have infringed on more of the PC market than PS2 did.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Joelcool7 said:

I personally don't believe for a second that Microsoft entered the industry to turn a profit!

Everyones going to laugh when they read that but I have many reasons to believe it, first I have an uncle who works in Seattle (M$) and one with IBM. I used to have conversations about the industry alot with them. My uncle in Seattle always said that Sony was becoming a threat. Sony had back when the PlayStation came out begun to talk about it taking oncomputer's and by PlayStation2 was really considering and openly talking about entering the personal computer buisness. Long story short Microsoft views Sony as hostile to their core market and dominant position in the PC industry.

Microsoft lead the fight by supporting Sega in numerous different ways with the DreamCast. Sega and Microsoft grew pretty tight and both companies had vested intrest in seeing DreamCast succeed. Microsoft needed/Wanted to kill Sony off stop it at the source (PlayStation). however DreamCast began to fail, and Sony became increasingly powerfull.

So around 1999/2000 Microsoft began looking at entering the industry likely as a hostile assualt to damage Sony's market shares and profits. Microsoft looked immediatly into a partnership or buyout of Nintendo. This didn't work for many reasons. M$ quickly in matter of a year or so began and finished the X-Box while other companies spend up to half a decade developing a single console Microsoft jumped in as fast as they could.

From day one Microsoft has had a three phase plan this plan consists of three consoles. Right now we have heard it mentioned many times lately. Microsoft has stated various times regardless of the 360's sales out come their will be a third console. Microsoft is determined more then ever to kill Sony off or at least break its ability to become a future threat. Microsoft has reverted to supporting Nintendo's DS which intern could be seen as a hostile move against Sony's PlayStationPortable.

Kutiragi (spelling wrong) said specifically that the PlayStation3 was a cheap computer, a personal computer. A home entertainment system set to replace computers. The PlayStation3 can be seen as a the first real step by Sony to specifically target Microsoft's strong hold the PC.

In the end I believe Microsoft made the X-Box not to really enter the game console wars but to see to it Sony didn't enter the PC wars. Microsoft's more then dominant share in the PC industry could not be compromised and Sony's a growing global threat to companies world wide. We have one more console to go and lets see just how affective this strategy is.

Besides it seems to be working Sony couldn't possibly muster the power to break into the PC market now. Their constant losses and now layoffs show they are in no position to pursue the PC market much further. If everything goes right Sony's PlayStation may even cease to exist which would end this chapter once and for all!

Sounds about right to me. Malstrom touched on similar points.

My only question is how long will the shareholders tolerate Microsoft's "Kill Bill (Sony)" plan?

And also how will this help Microsoft's plans for growth? This would only be a defensive maneuver. Microsoft's straight now but their empire needs some fresh blood or some upstart is gonna one day loosen their grip on this PC monopoly.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot




I'm sure many of you have read that analyst's report on Microsoft and their entertainment division being nothing more than a defense mechanism against Sony's "evil" (in Microsoft's eyes) plans to dominate the living room. Of course, Microsoft wants that pie to themselves, hence the Xbox brand was born.

If that is the case, as in that really is the only ulterior motive that Microsoft has to be in videogames (which I'm not entirely agreeing on), then what would happen if Sony decides to call it quits on the Playstation brand?

I don't think this is likely, but again, if that were the case, then:

Playstation calls it quits, as they flopped this time around, and incurred too many losses.

Microsoft can now gradually exit the console business and refocus on Vista, Media Center and PC gaming/DirectX.

That would leave Nintendo as sole console player.

Who would take up the mantle? Or would Nintendo have hegemony over the console industry?


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why hasn't it occurred to anyone that MS is in the game business to diversify?  and that it was bill gate's vision to combine everything onto a home entertainment hub? 

it seems like our memories just don't go back that far, 7, 8 years, or whatever it is.

MS needs XBox and future incarnations more than Sony does.  MS needs the diversification.  Stopping Sony entering the PC business?  Are you suggesting a pre-emptive strike?  At a cost of like $5 billion against 1 company?  That's preposterous.  They're doing this because it just happens that it's in line with their strategy.

There's one thing shareholders and analysts have in common, and that's short-term gains.  The things with MS is that insiders probably control 30, 40% of the company, so there's unlikely to be a shareholder revolt.  That is why they can afford to keep this going as part of the management's "vision".  $1 billions a year only like 10% of Microsoft's profits, so in the name of diversification, it's utterly affordable.  Again, Microsoft NEEDS diversification.  And quite frankly, I believe it will eventually pay off; not necessarily as a successful gaming console, but something that resembles an entertainment hub.

Of course, this is more Gate's than Ballmer's vision.  We will see what direction MS management decides to take the XBox.  as a gaming console, the brand has been an unprecendented failure, but MS can use the expertise and technology gained from this "investment" to turn it into something else that could easily be more successful.

Sony acquired numerous businesses during its heyday.  Microsoft has done comparatively little to diversify.  XBox is essentially their only foray outside software.


the Wii is an epidemic.

It can safely be predicted that all 3 companies are gonna be in the next gen console wars again.

Nintendo was goin' down till DS and Wii came out, MS lost a lot of money on Xbox and now Sony is suffering early on with the PS3, but they will all be in good enough shape for the next round, unless something entirely unexpected happens.

Even if PS3 comes in 3rd in total install base in a worse case scenario, Sony can take it...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

auroragb said:
homelesscarl said:

I didn't know they lost so much on the Xboxes... 5 Billion is a BIG ass number.

Nintendo seems to be playing it right. I think once they start getting more Wii's on the street, we're going to see a new picture.

From selling consoles at a loss. From funding development for games. From funding advertising of xbox games (millions per game funded). Advertising of xbox consoles and live (10s of million per year). From updating and supporting live. General customer support.
This is why I find it ludicrous that Sony thinks that make Home free is a good idea. At least with the Wii Channels, there are not that much server load. But with Home, most of it has to be a hosted world(s), this is expensive. This is part of the reason why MMORPG all charge monthly fee.

 Advertising is gonna fund Home or at least that's the plan.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

NorthStar said:

Heaven help Nintendo if Microsoft or Sony ever listen to these Buisness analists. Nintendo needs to make money on every system sold they are a game company there is no other real source of income to Nintendo without games. Sony and microsoft can loose money on a system and if they can not make it up in games Movies electronics computers and operating systems is other areas to still make money. If the time come and Microsoft and Sony directly compete with Nintendo (system capabilities) Microsoft and Sony will Slaughter Nintendo. This is in no way a blast at Nintendo but figure into the fact sony looses more on selling a PS3 than it cost to buy a Wii let alone what it cost Nintendo to build one. Sony could have made a system the same or slightly better than the Wii and gave it away. Sony would still have lost less than they are now by selling the PS3. Who wouldn't want a machine that could do what the Wii could do for free or even half price?

I really would hate to see this as I love Nintendo and if we lose them as a console maker it would be bad for everyone. I also would hate this because it would limit serious story driven gameplay too as most people want to just sit and play around with a game. That would leave us who would rather spend 40-100 hours playing a indepth story very limited selection. Microsoft needs to find its niche in the market and it will be fine. I do think both Microsoft and sony will make profits this generation. I don't know if Microsoft is even concerned about making back the $ they lost with X-box it was an investment in future gaming machines not ever really geared to be profitable.

 If Nintendo quit the console business (seems very unlikely now) then they wouldn't just go away they would be like Sega and switch to software only with their multiple successful franchises.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

your mother said:

Seems like a few years ago PCs were caught up in the MHz/horsepower race, but that has now taken a back seat to efficient, silent, cool, cheap and most of all, "powerful enough" hardware.

Is this the trend? Seems like consumer behavior is slowly favoring this approach (witnessing the sales of the "next-gen" consoles vs "last-gen's two Gamecubes duct-taped together" Wii)

AMD and Intel were in a MHz war until they reached a sort of threshold. They realized, however, that increasing MHz is not the only way to increase CPU speed. AMD pioneered that concept with their XP line that estimated how fast they were compared to Intel's (1800, 2500, etc). However, the biggest increase in speed in many years for a CPU over the current leader was the Intel Core Duo. Sure, it was cooler and a lot more efficient than AMD's fastest (which was currently faster than Intel), but it was also 30% faster.

So, while the race is not completely MHz, it's still about speed and power. No one is going to buy a new processor if it's not faster.