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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGA live stream - 4 hours to go

Rob-Ot said:
Don't know why The Last Of Us was a PS3 exclusive that "you cannot believe".

Probably just because it's from Naughty Dog. That line did come from the guy that called Modern Warfare 3 a megaton... I honestly thought everyone expected that to happen but appearantly not that guy.

4 ≈ One

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They never said this was THE Sony Exclusive that Geoff was talking about, just wanted to put that bit of speculation out there lolol.

Only a videogame show can be tacky enough to talk about douchebags.

yo_john117 said:
This guy is a great host.

Well he is a gamer, unlike the past hosts which would be casual gamer. 


Hell yeah! Mass Effect 3!

Edit: OMG!! Bioware is incredible!

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eye of souron? lol

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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Loving the fact that Mass Effect 3's out a week before my birthday.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

kowenicki said:
Necromunda said:
They never said this was THE Sony Exclusive that Geoff was talking about, just wanted to put that bit of speculation out there lolol.

yes they did.  in the pre show they said it would be at the top of the show.  so it was it.

Gotcha, I didn't watch the Pre-Show, I'm happy regardless though lol

that last bit looked like assassins creed

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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