brendude13 said:
Exia said: Got stuck on this game, end of chapter 3 after fighting the giant flan. Went into the void and there nothing left to do. I read somewhere that the main story should lead to 400 AF after the flan.
Go to the Archylte Steppe, you have to do stuff there.
Anyway, I just reached a certain tower, and the further I play, the more dissapointed I am, the story is getting pathetic and not making any sense at all.
Tower? i'm done with that now, and i have to say
i was pleasently surprised at the end of it. kind of an 'WTF' moment, but.. well, if they put "it" "that" way, the whole "If u change th future, u change the past" thing kinda made some sense - if a sick ammount of variables are arranged properly.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!