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Forums - Sales Discussion - Americas Up! 12th November

enrageorange said:
ProdigyBam said:
sales2099 said:
Wow seeing how 360 hasn't got any form of price cut since 2009 (with the Elite dropping in $100 to replace the Pro), these are impressive numbers

I dont know why everyone says that, here in germany you can get a 250gb xbox 360 with forza 3, crysis 2 and halo: annivesarry for 250€ while the cheapest ps3 is 250 aswell, and the same is the case in the whole of europe.

And correct me if im wrong, but i thought there were deals like 100$ giftcard if you buy a 360 in the usa, i wouldnt say its the same price like in 2009, really..


BTW, it seems a bit weird to me that the ps3 didnt get a boost at all with skyrim, cod3 and mgs hd collection, but I personally dont believe the vgchartz numbers.

the ps3 is clearly undertracked in EMEAA, and it is strange that the gap between sonys reported number of sold software and vgchartz software numbers is MUCH bigger than the gaps from microsoft and nintendo software but its a free service i guess, so i wont complain anymore...

microsoft has never released total 360 software numbers so there goes that arguement. If you post things as facts make sure they are actually facts rather then random guesses that can easily be proven wrong. Anyway people need to realise that call of duty itself did not give the big boost to the 360 and thats why ps3 numbers didn't jump. 

This is what I think. Fable 3 sold 94k. That means the holiday 360 bundle sold around 84k. Kinect sold 100k that means the kinect bundles sold 80k. The mw3 bundle mainly sold to the huge cod fans that already have 360s and just wanted a custom one, not to new consumers. PS3 didn't get a cool looking console for call of duty so ps3 owners had no reason to buy another ps3 when mw3 came out.

And it seems like no one else noticed, but the gears 3 numbers really are terrible compared to other "big" games. Sales are down a lot this week. It looks like the game was indeed very frontloaded. Might not even sell 60k this week ww.

And why the hell do people keep complaing about EMEAA results in Americas sales thread. EMEAA has nothing to do with Americas. Wait one day till the EMEAA charts show up and then you can actually complain about them and not be completely off topic.

Yeah Gears 3 is really selling lower than I thought it would....and it seems to not be going up either.

It will still beat Gears and Gears 2 numbers, but not by that much it seems.

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psrock said:
I really don't know why people think the PS3 is due for adjustment. This is America, the 360 had the COD bundle and sold close to 5 million. This is normal numbers compared to last couple years.

Because in the last years had massive adjustments in holiday period... but that's for all consoles (360 had a huge adjustment is this week too).

Last year first numbers:


mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-monster sales for the 360. MW and skyrim did wonder. Nicely done.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

MS must be making killer profits. And to think they have maintained all this profitability while doing heavy R&D on the next Xbox console. Not sure if it will be out next holiday or 2013, but either way I am surprised they have not cut the price in 3 years and that it is still selling so damn well.

Microsoft did wonders in marketing on many accounts from advertising, discounts and limited addition consoles. Well done because it looks like the money spent will be gained back with increased software sales. Sony probably cannot afford the same tactics and probably moved the majority of their advertising and hopes into the rest of the world. I think it is an admittance of defeat in the region and they will have a hard time getting it back next gen.

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yo_john117 said:

Yeah Gears 3 is really selling lower than I thought it would....and it seems to not be going up either.

It will still beat Gears and Gears 2 numbers, but not by that much it seems.

Kinda off topic, but the few GOW fans I personally know are underwhelmed by the game.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
yo_john117 said:

Yeah Gears 3 is really selling lower than I thought it would....and it seems to not be going up either.

It will still beat Gears and Gears 2 numbers, but not by that much it seems.

Kinda off topic, but the few GOW fans I personally know are underwhelmed by the game.

That very well could be part of the problem. At first when I played Gears 3 it was awesome but after a while it got rather boring.


And the campaign was pretty boring and lame as well. I didn't even make it past the first Act.

I'm sorry, but this thread is pissing me off.

The PS3 fans always tease about XBox being the shooter console, and then when some big shooters come out and the sales jump, its "a fix."

The PS3 fans say Xbox has no exclusives and when GOW3 comes out to help jump the Xbox sales its "a fix."

Sony people dont seem to realize that almost NO ONE cares about Uncharted but people with a PS3. THATS why you didnt get a sales jump, live with it.

Plus, these are Hollidays in AMERICA. So dont expect, with the resurgance of American Pride, and will to pick ourselves up out of a bad economy -- and the whole "Buy American" movement -- dont expect your foreign game system to do anything but get absolutely crushed in the North American charts.

If there is any line about moderation, its because I actually got modded. But I dont see why I would, really.

StevenKreg said
Plus, these are Hollidays in AMERICA. So dont expect, with the resurgance of American Pride, and will to pick ourselves up out of a bad economy -- and the whole "Buy American" movement -- dont expect your foreign game system to do anything but get absolutely crushed in the North American charts.

Do not act as the voice of America. This is an over patriotic exaggeration. Give the credit to MS for spending money wisely and not to some belief in hyper patriotism that does not exist to the extreme you describe it as. 

StevenKreg said:
I'm sorry, but this thread is pissing me off.

The PS3 fans always tease about XBox being the shooter console, and then when some big shooters come out and the sales jump, its "a fix."

The PS3 fans say Xbox has no exclusives and when GOW3 comes out to help jump the Xbox sales its "a fix."

Sony people dont seem to realize that almost NO ONE cares about Uncharted but people with a PS3. THATS why you didnt get a sales jump, live with it.

Plus, these are Hollidays in AMERICA. So dont expect, with the resurgance of American Pride, and will to pick ourselves up out of a bad economy -- and the whole "Buy American" movement -- dont expect your foreign game system to do anything but get absolutely crushed in the North American charts.

If there is any line about moderation, its because I actually got modded. But I dont see why I would, really.

yeah that's why during 08-09-10 wii (an american console right)destroyed the chart in america and thank god the xbox 360 is made in the US right ? not in China right

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.