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Forums - Sales Discussion - Americas Up! 12th November

Reasonable said:
kowenicki said:
JGarret said:
kowenicki said:
postofficebuddy said:
kowenicki said:
Truly awesome numbers. A good indication of what a real price cut would do too...

360 will be massively up YOY... Perhaps it could have its best year in its sixth after all?

Eh? It'll probably be down 20k-40k YOY.

i know... I was a week behind...  still... its trending the right way at last.

kowenicki, are you among those who believe the next Xbox console will be released next year?...with the 360 having such a good sixth year, I keep thinking '2013' for the successor,  not next year.

I honestly dont know anymore

I think MS would be crazy to release a new unit now.  360 is still selling fine for them and growing marketshare and brand, and games like CoD continue to sell hugely on the console.  Sure, overall sales, etc. seem down but that's more down to Wii and not MS's problem.

A new console risks slowing sales of 360, would probably hit 360 chance to grow more outside US/UK where a more expensive console with Live would likly be less attractive than 360 is now.

2013 seems earliest likly slot on current trends.

Although the 2012 release date is just rumour...i think the motivation behind that is to not give wii U time to gain market share...and to beat Sony out the door again.

I dont think it will happen either, Wii U doesnt look particularly threatening at the moment, so holding out til 2013 is probably best. I also think 360 is gonna have a stellar year 2012 :)

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

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Michael-5 said:

Yea, actually that snub pistol is really great at distance. Aiming at the head with an active reload just takes the head right off.

I agree about the shotguns. I remember I knew people who would put a peice of tap on their tv right in the middle to act as a retical for the shotgun, and even then headshots weren't common. Now it's sawed off shogun, aim in the general direction, if you miss, run and come back.

Still Gears 3 is the funnest Gears to date, but Gears 1 introduced most of the content, and could have had the best plot if it was more thoroughly fleshed out. However who am I to complain? For a 2006 Hd title, Gears of War was years ahead of the competition in quality and content.

Yeah, they improved it a lot since it was pretty useless in Gears 2.  The Boltok is almost as powerful as it was in Gears 1, when it blew people in half... but they made the Gorgon suck balls.  Incredibly inaccurate in 3, but oh well. 

Yeah, the sawed off wouldn't be a problem if you didn't run 50% faster.  But you're right, still by far the most fun, and there will be more to come. 


Reasonable said:
D-Joe said:
reason of 324k

You do have to wonder what the real sales of mature rated titles would be if the ratings were strictly enforced?  A lot less I suspect.

I think that one could reasonably argue that, although the game has an M rating, the console does not. Therefore, 'twould be difficult to prevent kids from purchasing the bundle, since retailers cannot open and separate sealed products. Those children are probably just holding them boxes while waiting in line, until their parents fork out the cash at checkout.

reviniente said:
Reasonable said:
D-Joe said:
reason of 324k

You do have to wonder what the real sales of mature rated titles would be if the ratings were strictly enforced?  A lot less I suspect.

I think that one could reasonably argue that, although the game has an M rating, the console does not. Therefore, 'twould be difficult to prevent kids from purchasing the bundle, since retailers cannot open and separate sealed products. Those children are probably just holding them boxes while waiting in line, until their parents fork out the cash at checkout.

I think it's pretty clear those two will be going straight home and playing MW3 (little buggers will probably be better than me too).

I'm not being judgemental, but I'm noting that it's a very real fact that most blockbuster games that are mature rated (Halo, Gears, God of War, etc) all rely on the fact that many of those for whom the titles are bought shouldn't actually be playing them.  As a parent myself I know plenty of kids with mature titles played on consoles bought only for the kids use.

I was also noting it in a pretty lightheated way I thought - I'm not in the club that assumes those two kids will be mass killers in real life before they can shave.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

pezus said:
KillerMan said:
Reasonable said:
D-Joe said:
reason of 324k

You do have to wonder what the real sales of mature rated titles would be if the ratings were strictly enforced?  A lot less I suspect.

They kinda are in Europe. It is illegal to sell 18+ rated title to under 18 years old. You can easily bypass this by buying your games from internet though.

Not in my country...and there are probably many other European countries where it's not illegal

After I searched little you are right. It has been criminalized only in some countries (like in Finland where I live). I always thought it was norm with PEGI system. Oh well. It's nice to learn new stuff everyday!

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Reasonable said:
reviniente said:
Reasonable said:
D-Joe said:
reason of 324k

You do have to wonder what the real sales of mature rated titles would be if the ratings were strictly enforced?  A lot less I suspect.

I think that one could reasonably argue that, although the game has an M rating, the console does not. Therefore, 'twould be difficult to prevent kids from purchasing the bundle, since retailers cannot open and separate sealed products. Those children are probably just holding them boxes while waiting in line, until their parents fork out the cash at checkout.

I think it's pretty clear those two will be going straight home and playing MW3 (little buggers will probably be better than me too).

I'm not being judgemental, but I'm noting that it's a very real fact that most blockbuster games that are mature rated (Halo, Gears, God of War, etc) all rely on the fact that many of those for whom the titles are bought shouldn't actually be playing them.  As a parent myself I know plenty of kids with mature titles played on consoles bought only for the kids use.

I was also noting it in a pretty lightheated way I thought - I'm not in the club that assumes those two kids will be mass killers in real life before they can shave.

They can try to enforce who buys the games but no one, other than the parents themselves, can say who plays them. Well maybe in some contries they can. It is a rather ammusing picture though. And mute is your friend when those two are screaming at you online.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

xbox360 before battlefield 115 743
ps3 before battlefield 83 699

xbox360 battlefield week 150 237 (+34494)
ps3 battlefield week 110 540 (+26841)

xbox360 uncharted week 169349 (+19112)
ps3 uncharted week 120688 (+10148)

xbox360 mw3 week 324046 (+154697)
ps3 mw3 week 142 937 (+22249)

So i get from this the ps3 got a bigger boost from battlefield then MW3 (note battlefield sold 960k compared for 2500k for MW3)
Uncharted boost the xbox more then the ps3 which explain why uncharted 4 should be exclusive to the 360
Even with no new sofware on the uncharted week the xbox got a bigger boost then the ps3
and for some reason people think the numbers are normal ??

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Bail said:
thx1139 said:
So week of UC3 PS3 gets a boost. Naturally the next week sales fall back, but this year COD:MW3 releases and the sales recover. Last year 360 launched Kinect week before COD:BO so boost wasnt as great COD:BO week.

Except PS3 DIDN'T get a boost from U3... A mere 9%, less than other consoles, which didn't have any game releasing.

Well the 360 bump shouldnt be shocking that week I honestly am surprised the 360 jump last week wasnt more. Nearly every major retailer had great deals on 360s that week.

Look at the deals offered that week. All those deals for the 360, none for the Wii and only getting Uncharted 1 and 2 as a bonus for the UC3 bundle.

Best Buy
360 250GB Holiday Bundle includes $50 gift card
PS3 Uncharted 3 bundle includes Uncharted 1 and 2

Now through 11/5/2011 - Amazon matched this
360 4GB Kinect Bundle includes $100 gift card
360 250GB Kinect Bundle includes $100 gift card

360 250GB Holiday Bundle includes $50 gift card
PS3 Uncharted 3 bundle includes Uncharted 1 and 2

360 4GB Kinect Bundle includes $50 gift card

Amazon 11/2 Only
360 250GB Holiday Bundle includes $50 gift card

Walmart 11/5 Only - Super Saturday
360 250GB Kinect Bundle includes $50 gift card
360 4GB Kinect Bundle includes $50 gift card

Toys R Us 11/4-11/5
360 250GB Kinect Bundle includes $50 gift card
360 4GB Kinect Bundle includes $50 gift card

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

yo_john117 said:
I'm not sure what to even say about how ridiculous the 360 is selling, it far exceeded my expectations.

How does MS do it without even having a price cut? Does advertising really work that well?

Yup.  The "Xbox" brand name is the new "Playstation" here in the states, no doubt about it.

Reasonable said:
D-Joe said:
reason of 324k

You do have to wonder what the real sales of mature rated titles would be if the ratings were strictly enforced?  A lot less I suspect.

You know what, before I was 18 I was turned down for multiple M rated games...

However it was always the niche M rated titles, never GTA or Resident Evil. It was for games like Geist, and Eternal Darkness.

Wish they enforced game rating sales, but then it's like this for Movies and other genres too.


They should put a decibel limit on your mike, so if you don't want to hear high pitched kids screams, you can remove frequencies above that threshold

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