-1- mass effect 3(ps3)
-2- kingdoms of amalur reckoning(ps3)
-3- twisted metal(ps3)
-5- dota2(pc)
Being in 3rd place never felt so good
-1- mass effect 3(ps3)
-2- kingdoms of amalur reckoning(ps3)
-3- twisted metal(ps3)
-5- dota2(pc)
Being in 3rd place never felt so good
1. Diablo III
2. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm
3. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void
4. [...]
5. [...]
Hmmm... I guess I'll have to thank Blizzard for taking so long to release games. I'll fill the last two spots when I think of something.
Signature goes here!
1. Guild Wars 2 (PC)
2. Mass Effect 3 (360)
3. SSX (PS3)
4. Journey (PS3)
5. Ryse (K360)
1. Mass Effect 3 (PS3)
2. Yakuza: Dead Souls (PS3)
3. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
4. Asura's Wrath (PS3)
5. Uncharted: Golden Abyss (PS Vita)
1. The legend of Zelda Skyward sword (WII)
2. Gravity Daze(will be the most coolest game since UC3 lol) Smeags gets a Vita for the coolness of this game?
3. The Last Guardian(i'm sure Smeags would like this one lol)
4. Twisted Metal
5. Journey
just beyond the boarder
6. Starhawk
7. TombRaider (PS3)
8. The Syndicate (PS3)
9. Mass Effect 3 (PS3)
10.Guerrilla games new IP (the excitement of a new ip)/9. Suckerpunch new IP
1. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
2. Guild Wars 2 (PC)
3. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
4. Tomb Raider (PS3)
5. Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
Fuck, I can say Zelda, Mario 3D or Tales of the Abyss now...
1. Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
2. The Last Story (Wii)
3. The Last Guardian (PS3)
4. Monster Hunter 3G (3DS)
5. Paper Mario 3D (3DS)
1) Bioshock Infinite (PC)
2) Mass Effect 3 (PC)
3) The Last Guardian (PS3)
4) Journey (PS3)
5) Diablo III (PC)
1. Mass Effect 3 (X360)
2. Hitman Absolution (PS3)
3. The Last Guardian (PS3)
4. Starhawk (PS3)
5. Twisted Metal (PS3)
1. Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
2. Bioshock Infinite (PS3)
3. GTA V (PS3 - for now)
4. SSX (PS3)
5. Luigi's Mansion 2 (3DS)
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