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Players Haters Ball running wild up in here.

ioi, I appreciate this site & all the hard work you & your crew do.

Complainers have no legs to stand on. As you said they have missed the whole point of this site.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



Around the Network

I was wondering what happened. Lame but oh well.

Wow, not what I was expecting for responses, but it's good to read and I'm glad I made this.

and this info about france, is correct?,39040745,39377078,00.htm


DS: 2.2M
Wii: 1M
PSP: 600K
PS3: 500K
360: 200K


PS2: 5.5M
DS: 4.4M
XBOX: 750K
PS3: 500K
360: 500K

On the sample size thingy...

How many of you have taken statistics courses? Do you think that, in doing surveys and market research companies will draw on from huge sample pools (relative to the whole population)? One does not always have the luxury of that. Again, it all depends on the confidence level one have in the samples and how representative they are.

Sample Size (SS)= Z^2*(p)*(1-p)/c^2


Z = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level)

p = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal
(.5 used for sample size needed)

c = confidence interval, expressed as decimal
(e.g., .04 = ±4)

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

Around the Network

yeah! but now i've forgotten all this things. Statis, cluster analisis, logistic regression... acuarial statistics...



(sorry about ugly traslation from spanish)

John_Doe said:
and this info about france, is correct?,39040745,39377078,00.htm


DS: 2.2M
Wii: 1M
PSP: 600K
PS3: 500K
360: 200K


PS2: 5.5M
DS: 4.4M
XBOX: 750K
PS3: 500K
360: 500K


It is mainly unclear where the data comes from and from what point in time it is. The DS and Wii numbers seem to come from Nintendo themselves, some of the other data seems to have come from earlier statements by Sony and Microsoft, where the Sony statement might actually be a sales target and not so much a sales number reached already. Considering Nintendo themselves claim Wii sold just over 1M in 2007 this site is probably a bit high on LTD for France, considering sales in 2006 were probably between 100-200k.

@Diomedes,  numbers for November are almost exactly the same for 360 comparing VGchartz and NPD. VGchartz has 9.15M-8.29M, so around 860k for November 3 to December 1. NPD has 770k for the US and 59k for Canada, adding up to around 830k. Considering this site also includes other countries in the Americas there is really no proof of this site overtracking 360 based on NPD numbers in November. 

Onimusha12 said:
I never thought the fanboys would go as far as to attack the very numbers on this site, but it would appear I was a naive fool.

 All sides of the fanboy scale are equally represented in here, but you fail to see some because you're a part of it. Don't act high and mighty, we all know your stance in this, and I personally think you are no more reasonable than any other member in here.

I don't mind your views, but don't elevate your own judgement over others', that's plain rude. Of course, you don't care what I say, so the post is worthless...  

Mummelmann said:
Onimusha12 said:
I never thought the fanboys would go as far as to attack the very numbers on this site, but it would appear I was a naive fool.

 All sides of the fanboy scale are equally represented in here, but you fail to see some because you're a part of it. Don't act high and mighty, we all know your stance in this, and I personally think you are no more reasonable than any other member in here.

I don't mind your views, but don't elevate your own judgement over others', that's plain rude. Of course, you don't care what I say, so the post is worthless...  

+ 1 for mummelmann

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Musouka said:

On the sample size thingy...

How many of you have taken statistics courses? Do you think that, in doing surveys and market research companies will draw on from huge sample pools (relative to the whole population)? One does not always have the luxury of that. Again, it all depends on the confidence level one have in the samples and how representative they are.

Sample Size (SS)= Z^2*(p)*(1-p)/c^2


Z = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level)

p = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal
(.5 used for sample size needed)

c = confidence interval, expressed as decimal
(e.g., .04 = ±4)

As great as that post was, that is so lost here :P