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Bitmap Frogs said:
grandmaster192 said:
Why are you so hateful, Diomedes?

Because he's a raging fanboy. He registered on this site just to defend his console of choice. He has an axe to grind, is impervious to reason and will accept nothing but ps3 dominating the sales. In the event ps3 isn't dominating it's because the numbers are wrong - sony could never fail him, because he'll never fail sony.

Honestly, this site's moderation is maybe a bit too loose. People like him or crazzyman would have been ipbanned long time ago on most forums. But hey, not my site, not my problem.

Anyone even remotely intelligent could get around that.

All I'm going to add is that PS3 sales are much stronger now then they were six months ago, It's starting to sell a respectable amount in both Europe and Japan, and 08' is looking like it's going to be a bright year for the console.



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tabsina said:
LastManStanding said:
Some more wood to the fire:

This is an article from the french newspaper "les echos". The article is from 06 december 2007, and is about the coming to some european country of Video on demand to the Xbox360. But the interesting parte i'll translate for you guys.

« To date, we have sold close to 500,000 Xbox 360 in the hexagon and 8 million players in the world have subscribed to our service Xbox Live, said Francois Ruault, director of recreational products division of Microsoft. »

For you non french guys "the hexagon" is one of the ways they call their country, because of it's shape. Don't know if those "close to 500,000" means retail or consumer.

so if the article was on 06 december, we can assume the best estimate would be what vgchartz had for x360 in france at the end of the last week before that, which is the week ending 02 december®%5B%5D=France&start=38557&end=39418


so from launch -> dec 02 (and i'd even say that that was too soon to be the date the guy was actually referring to), Vgchartz said 542,479
+10% = 596,726.9
-10% = 488,231.1

So I think it is pretty safe to say, that even at week ending december 2, vgchartz was still within a reasonable range

and in case you are wondering, 542,479 and 500,000 are different by -7.8% only


 Well if the ps3 numbers are adjusted, it's only fair that the same should apen to the 360. And i don't think that "close to" means 499999. And why assume that the numbers are to consumers? But then again could happen that the guy is just misinformed about is own numbers.

And by the way, 50k might not be much to the USA, but for France that is a big difference in termes of market share. And gives a very distorted picture of what is going on.

Its true that the Znet article cites GFk but for the total sales and not just after the console numbers .I assumed GFk was the source for all the data on the article .I will take ioi word on this about he contacting Gfk and their not having provided those numbers .

What seems clear in all this that the 360 was overtracked in France .Giving that the multiplattform titles started to sell more in november for the PS3 version common sense suggest the userbase are approaching fast and are about comparable right now.

And for some of you who seems to believe I am a raging fanboy you should remember I am one of the first registered members way before the PS3 was launched and I didnt even own a PS2 .Giving that the Europe/Others sales data is very hard to come by discuting this and providing links and sources to other sites and newspapers improves that site and not the contrary .

Sri Lumpa tu ais raison que le mot "environ " 500K ca veut dire approximately et pas plus comme J´avais dit mais comme le article etait deja un semaine vieux j avais tout simplement assume que si le numero de consoles vendues etait environ 500K por le date de l article quand j´ecrivais mon poste il devait sans doute etre superieur .

Diomedes1976 said:
Its true that the Znet article cites GFk but for the total sales and not just after the console numbers .I assumed GFk was the source for all the data on the article .I will take ioi word on this about he contacting Gfk and their not having provided those numbers .

What seems clear in all this that the 360 was overtracked in France .Giving that the multiplattform titles started to sell more in november for the PS3 version common sense suggest the userbase are approaching fast and are about comparable right now.

And for some of you who seems to believe I am a raging fanboy you should remember I am one of the first registered members way before the PS3 was launched and I didnt even own a PS2 .Giving that the Europe/Others sales data is very hard to come by discuting this and providing links and sources to other sites and newspapers improves that site and not the contrary .

Sri Lumpa tu ais raison que le mot "environ " 500K ca veut dire approximately et pas plus comme J´avais dit mais comme le article etait deja un semaine vieux j avais tout simplement assume que si le numero de consoles vendues etait environ 500K por le date de l article quand j´ecrivais mon poste il devait sans doute etre superieur .

he said the word, yes he did! 

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Dallinor said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
grandmaster192 said:
Why are you so hateful, Diomedes?

Because he's a raging fanboy. He registered on this site just to defend his console of choice. He has an axe to grind, is impervious to reason and will accept nothing but ps3 dominating the sales. In the event ps3 isn't dominating it's because the numbers are wrong - sony could never fail him, because he'll never fail sony.

Honestly, this site's moderation is maybe a bit too loose. People like him or crazzyman would have been ipbanned long time ago on most forums. But hey, not my site, not my problem.

Anyone even remotely intelligent could get around that.

All I'm going to add is that PS3 sales are much stronger now then they were six months ago, It's starting to sell a respectable amount in both Europe and Japan, and 08' is looking like it's going to be a bright year for the console.


Sure it'll have a good year. Nobody's expecting otherwise. But that wasn't the point. You can't deny however that having rampaging fanboys whining all over the forums whenever their fav console isn't performing as expected is annoying. 

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).