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Its true that the Znet article cites GFk but for the total sales and not just after the console numbers .I assumed GFk was the source for all the data on the article .I will take ioi word on this about he contacting Gfk and their not having provided those numbers .

What seems clear in all this that the 360 was overtracked in France .Giving that the multiplattform titles started to sell more in november for the PS3 version common sense suggest the userbase are approaching fast and are about comparable right now.

And for some of you who seems to believe I am a raging fanboy you should remember I am one of the first registered members way before the PS3 was launched and I didnt even own a PS2 .Giving that the Europe/Others sales data is very hard to come by discuting this and providing links and sources to other sites and newspapers improves that site and not the contrary .

Sri Lumpa tu ais raison que le mot "environ " 500K ca veut dire approximately et pas plus comme J´avais dit mais comme le article etait deja un semaine vieux j avais tout simplement assume que si le numero de consoles vendues etait environ 500K por le date de l article quand j´ecrivais mon poste il devait sans doute etre superieur .