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Yikes, a lot of people are getting angry over this. I was just suprised it dropped so much and was wondering how it happened, nothing more. Sorry if it sounds ungrateful of the work put into the site.

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Yeah, por favor Diomedes, show us the evidence asap!

Hey ioi, btw, how much accuracy do you have in those Scandinavia sales numbers? I don't have any proof, but such a clear lead for the PS3 seems very strange to me coming from the biggest Scandinavian country, Sweden, cuz the "feeling" here is that the X360 is by far the more popular console and the mind frame (?) of people is simply put that the PS3 is struggling (even after the heavy price drop).

Hey ioi! I just wanted to add my voice to saying "thank you!" for this site and the obvious hard work you put into it.


I know it can't be easy with all the whining and ranting, not to mention the downright insults to your work that you put up with.  As you can tell, I'm not one who posts tons.  First, most of the time frankly, someone's already said well what I would have said and the rest of the time it's just flaming and I'm not really into jumping into those much.  Regardless, it's cool to see how you track this stuff as well as getting to see the trends and numbers that generally are really pretty darn much right on.

Anyway, just wanted to add that.  I'm sure you don't get near enough encouragement as I see 90%+ of the posts here are usually fanboy rants at each other or at you.  Take it easy and try not to let it get to you!  I think this is fascinating and I'm sure many others do too, at least in cooler headed moments! :)


To Kasz216:

The survey was made by “TNS Sofres”, whitch, at least that’s what they claim, is the leading french and the second worldwide group on Market research and opinion. I thing they know what their doing. And I thing that all the ones that pay them a lot of money belive the same. Witch doesn’t mean they are 100% right.

To everyone that recognize themselves below:

I don’t know why so many people are upset here. Ranting that others rant. With that attitude your only turning yourself into what your criticizing. It’s not because someone point out a possible error on VGChartz, that hes saying - everything is wrong, burn the site. I do recognize the effort put on this site. But there are some indication that at least in france Diomedes may be right. Is it so disturbing for you guys that maybe, just maybe, Diomedes is not talking with a voice in is head.

I'll cut you some slack for being new and not knowing that Diomedes has been bitching and whining constantly for months. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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LastManStanding said:
To Kasz216:

The survey was made by “TNS Sofres”, whitch, at least that’s what they claim, is the leading french and the second worldwide group on Market research and opinion. I thing they know what their doing. And I thing that all the ones that pay them a lot of money belive the same. Witch doesn’t mean they are 100% right.

To everyone that recognize themselves below:

I don’t know why so many people are upset here. Ranting that others rant. With that attitude your only turning yourself into what your criticizing. It’s not because someone point out a possible error on VGChartz, that hes saying - everything is wrong, burn the site. I do recognize the effort put on this site. But there are some indication that at least in france Diomedes may be right. Is it so disturbing for you guys that maybe, just maybe, Diomedes is not talking with a voice in is head.

Yeah, and this is a throw away survey not even worthy of money, hence why it's free. Trust me i've had plenty of classes in this... as it is the field I'm majoring in more or less.

That isnt' close to any REAL study a company like that would do... and is far less accurate in how many consoles have been sold then projection research like the ones done on this site. You could email TNS and they would tell you the exact same thing.  There are a lot of weaknesses with this kind of survey instead of tracking numbers.

Also they'd tell you any "research" like this is pretty much worthless unless you have the full journal right up, with methods, a copy of the survey and a confidence interval.

It's likely they were just using it as a "hey we can do this kinda work" report and cutting the teeth of a few newbies on it and hoping some comapnies bite at the numbers to buy the whole report.

Even if was the same methods i might trust Ioi anyway, it coming from the french branch. Heh, bad statistics joke, but back in the day they would run expierements and falsefy data more than any other country just to prove that genetically the french were born the best.

Honestly thinking about it. I believe there is a 70% chance that isn't even what they were looking for. As it makes no sense for that to be case.

More likely it was a report about what draws people into their console, why or why not that haven't moved on, what features are more important and future purchasing decisions.

With this result just being a sidetrack part of their methods that just shows how many people from each group they got.

Diomedes1976 said:

By the way ,the 500K number was from GFk ,something most people is conveniantly forgeting about .

Would you happen to have a link to GFK stating that?

Complete wrong chart so I have to edit this. Being a little greedy but i'm anxiously awaiting the next update.

ioi said:

Well done for totally dodging my post

Looking through some of your post history I see that you have commented yourself in the past at large discrepancies between Famitsu and Media Create figures. So if one says a game sold 30k and the other 50k then which do you believe? Go back 10 years and you had situations where one said 130k for a game and another said 220k. At that time they were both professional firms charging for their full weekly data. People obviously though that was acceptable and you would guarantee that the following week the 130k would be followed with 100k on the one service and the 220k would be followed by a 50k. Is that a better way of fixing a discrepancy? Now both weeks are wrong. More recently, they release updated numbers later on to paying clients, but again this is something the public will never get to know about (or deserve to in the eyes of the tracking firm).

I already commented that this week we rushed the numbers out for the end of the week with only limited data. Now more data has come in adjustments have been made but due to games and consoles being sold out in some stores and not others discrepancies are likely to be larger than normal. Rest assured, that as with all data, it will be looked over in coming weeks and months and adjusted where necessary.

I stlil see no reasonable evidence for your repeated comments (in this and other threads) about the credibility of our data so I suggest you either drop it, come back with a well thought out and supported argument if you want a serious discussion about this, or go and find another site to frequent.


No, Diomedes there isn't any massive evidence as there never is with any of your comments. Similarly to the above comments, come back with some actual data comparisons and we can go through it if it bothers you that much- but you are unlikey to get anywhere since I will have already have made all those comparisons myself and be well aware and be able to account for any differences.

For Gods sake Ioi when NPD gave their november numbers the LTD for the 360 was some 7.8 million for US and you had it at nearly 10 million .Canada doesnt add for this kind of discrepancy .October data vghchartz had the 360 200K over NPD ,november once the US and Canada sales added you still had the 360 another 200K above the NPD numbers .Despite evidencies about the 360 being in France well behind the numbers on the page you havent made the adjustement in months .Not even when Microsoft themselves claimed 500K sold in France (and probably even shipped ) did you drop the 670K number.Frankly ,I dont know what you consider "reasonable evidencies " but you claiming more sales that MS themselves is strechting things a bit too far . As for evidencies ,go consider this for Spain data ,first leak of data for the holiday period for the last week of the year .You will like it ,as they cite this site as an approximation for the worlwide numbers . So we have DS:40K units PS family :93K units ,some 39K for the PS3 . Wii:20K units ,as good as the PS2 last christmas but dwarfed by the massive success of the DS and PS3. X360:no data .