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Hey ioi! I just wanted to add my voice to saying "thank you!" for this site and the obvious hard work you put into it.


I know it can't be easy with all the whining and ranting, not to mention the downright insults to your work that you put up with.  As you can tell, I'm not one who posts tons.  First, most of the time frankly, someone's already said well what I would have said and the rest of the time it's just flaming and I'm not really into jumping into those much.  Regardless, it's cool to see how you track this stuff as well as getting to see the trends and numbers that generally are really pretty darn much right on.

Anyway, just wanted to add that.  I'm sure you don't get near enough encouragement as I see 90%+ of the posts here are usually fanboy rants at each other or at you.  Take it easy and try not to let it get to you!  I think this is fascinating and I'm sure many others do too, at least in cooler headed moments! :)