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To Kasz216:

The survey was made by “TNS Sofres”, whitch, at least that’s what they claim, is the leading french and the second worldwide group on Market research and opinion. I thing they know what their doing. And I thing that all the ones that pay them a lot of money belive the same. Witch doesn’t mean they are 100% right.

To everyone that recognize themselves below:

I don’t know why so many people are upset here. Ranting that others rant. With that attitude your only turning yourself into what your criticizing. It’s not because someone point out a possible error on VGChartz, that hes saying - everything is wrong, burn the site. I do recognize the effort put on this site. But there are some indication that at least in france Diomedes may be right. Is it so disturbing for you guys that maybe, just maybe, Diomedes is not talking with a voice in is head.