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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Kirby's Return to Dream Land review thread! (Game Trailers review update)

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After Watching the Video, what do you think of the graphics?

Very nice for what it is. 21 55.26%
Good 8 21.05%
Alright, just not my cup ... 1 2.63%
meh 4 10.53%
other 1 2.63%
I loved the ZX Spectrum! ... 2 5.26%

Pretty good reviews overall. I'm gonna have to check one out. I love me some sidescrolling platformers. Already beat Epic Yarn which was a solid game, and this looks even more fun.

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I like destroying things with the giant sword

that's all i gots to say about that

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

spurgeonryan said:
Metallicube said:

Pretty good reviews overall. I'm gonna have to check one out. I love me some sidescrolling platformers. Already beat Epic Yarn which was a solid game, and this looks even more fun.

How long did it take you to beat Epic Yarn?

It's relatively short, I think I beat it in like 15 hours. But if you want to get all the secret levels, collectables, etc, that probably adds another 5 or so hours. It's also a pretty easy game so I felt like I kinda breezed through it. Still a fun game though. Worth a rental at least.

waiting for my copy!


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

just got it this afternoon, its really fun

there are a ton of abilities, can't wait to play the multiplayer


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spurgeonryan said:
menx64 said:
waiting for my copy!

You ordered it online? Or are you just waiting to get some money to buy it.

Yes, online. I bought it thru amazon in the US, so it takes about a week to come here. And what about yours?


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

beaten the first two worlds so far (out of five i think)- first boss wasn't any problem and i was worried this game was going to be too easy (even for me) but the second world stepped it up some and it took me a few times to have a go at the second boss.

as i said before there are TONs of abilities kirby can have, and you'll quickly find that some are just nitch abilities that are used to get hidden items and others are really useful in dealing with almost every enemy. you'll have some favorites pretty quick

collecting energy spheres (like star coins in mario) is important in this game, the more you collect the more side games and challenges you unlock and from the looks of the first few i've unlocked have potential to be as fun if not more than the main game if played with a bunch of friends


Smeags said:

Jim Sterling from Destructoid gave the game a 10/10

Anywho, this game will be under the Christmas Tree when December 25th rolls around. Gotta save the cash for Zelda and Mario. ^_^


spurgeonryan said:
Smeags said:

Jim Sterling from Destructoid gave the game a 10/10

Anywho, this game will be under the Christmas Tree when December 25th rolls around. Gotta save the cash for Zelda and Mario. ^_^


did you get a chance to rent it or redbox it yet MDJ?

nope. redbox can eat d!!!!

I will get this game after I beat Zelda to fill me til Wii U launch as well as 3DS games will help.

"Nintendo fan for life"