Not only does he logically invalidate himself on several points, the very idea that Nintendo will lose their accumulated 21.1 billion USD in 5 years is absurd - that implies a ~4.3 billion USD a year loss for 5 years before debt even begins to accumulate (let alone bankruptcy).
* "Nintendo was able to gain a momentary advantage on otherwise superior companies like Apple and the emergent Google." - Actually, Nintendo was a more highly valued company than Apple for well over a decade; and as a gaming company, are currently drawing far more revenue than Apple and Google combined now, just as they always have (To give an example, the entire app store drew in 1.7 billion - not all gaming applications - in 2010, Android's app store did under 100 million - Wii Fit in 2010 - Wii Fit(&+) sold roughly 1 billion alone that year (about 4 billion total).
* He also makes the point that Nintendo followed Apple into the casual games market - which is clearly false; the app store launched July 2008, and Brain Age was released in May 2005.
* That casual console gamers are the same as Casual cell phone gamers - also false; fast, cheap, and shiny does not describe Wii Fit, Nintendo's highest selling title on the Wii.
* The iPhone did not launch before 2006, it launched Q3 2007, how could Nintendo follow it with the Wii and DS which launched in 2004 and 2006? The iPhone wasn't even announced until early 2007, and only small rumours existed beforehand, and absolutely nothing was known about the strategy for the phone.
* He uses the word ubiquitous incorrectly (ubiquitous is a word that tech companies like to throw around in meetings to describe things such as cloud services allowing for services to be everywhere/on multiple devices, not increased cell phone functionality).
* Oh, and 1962 just called, they want their comb-over back.