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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Online is lacking

I think we finally discovered the identity of the kid in this picture:

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dgm6780 said:
oh man if Calling All Cars only had stats!! Maybe people would still be playing it online. Would have taken that game from a 7.5 to a 9 in my book! I wish MK2 online had more detailed stats, like a breakdown of W/L for each character.

It amazes me how conservative Nintendo is when it comes to online. It's only a "plus" to diehard nintendo fanboys, serious gamers see the lack of online stats for the console's AAA multiplayer combat game as totally lame.

Define "serious gamers" for me. I have spent years gaming, and even spent a lot of time mastering certain games but have never cared about my win/loss stats. I have played probably thousands of games of Project Justice and could not tell you how many of those were wins and how many losses. I know I have won more than lost, but thats because I can beat my friends around whenever I want. I have had similar experiences with Culdcept, although I am not quite as dominant because I goof off a lot more in that game. I guess my question is whether or not spending hundreds of hours is enough to qualify for your serious gamers status. If it is, then your statment is over reaching. Neither me, nor most of the people I know care at all about our stats. Lacking online stat tracking is not as important to many "serious gamers" as you would lead others to believe.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

dgm6780 said:
oh man if Calling All Cars only had stats!! Maybe people would still be playing it online. Would have taken that game from a 7.5 to a 9 in my book! I wish MK2 online had more detailed stats, like a breakdown of W/L for each character.

It amazes me how conservative Nintendo is when it comes to online. It's only a "plus" to diehard nintendo fanboys, serious gamers see the lack of online stats for the console's AAA multiplayer combat game as totally lame.

 I've played games since I was 5 and still enjoy all types of games (RPGs, Action, FPS/TPS, Racing, etc).  That makes me a casual gamer?  Ok then...

 And I for one am glad and relieved that there will be no ranking system.  In Hunters, Star Fox Command, and Mario Kart DS, people disconnected left and right just because losing would hurt their "precious record."  Even on Mario Strikers Charged, people still desconnect even though they get punished because they don't want the opposite perso nto get that many points for winning (Ex. I was beatingone one guy 8-1, and he disconnected with 5 seconds left).  I'm glad that Brawl is just going to focus on THE FUN OF THE GAME, not someone's precious record.  When I first saw this topic, I was hoping "oh man, I hope it's not complaining about a lack of rankin/leaderboard system" and wouldn't you know... it was.  So this can be considered a good thing a a bad thing depending on the person you are.


As for dmg6780, you know Halo 1 for the computer (and I believe it's the same with the Xbox, but I could be wrong)?  There was no leaderboard and ranking system, yet people continue to play online today.   I'm sure you are into Halo, right?


Well, if you disconnect, then it should register as an automatic loss.

Yes, auto loss for disconnect, we should all be on broadband connections on the Wii.

As to precentages - if I score 100 points in 1 hour , and jimmy scores 100 points in 3 hours , I am ahead of him, 100 to 33. If I suddenly have 10 hours to play and score 100 points per hour, and jimmy scores 3000 points in 48 hours of playing I am ahead of him 100 to 62.5 , meaning the best players will be at the top, wether they have spent 1 hour playing or 200 hours playing. The more you play the harder it is to raise that score. The score could be reset once a month, perhaps prizes could be given out (say 100 wii points?)

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twesterm said:

 That's why you think it's lacking?  Really?  I'm sorry, but that is pretty pathetic.  If you can give me one significant reason how that actually affects gameplay I'll believe (hint-- not being able to show off your e-penis isn't a good reason).

It affects gameplay in that, without at least an invisible rank, you can't try to pitch players of similar aptitude against each other. Unfortunately for me, Mario Strikers tried doing that, and you still had smart asses creating random accounts left and right just for the pleasure of owning noobs (i.e., me). Obviously having ranks has other problems (such as disconnects), but that was supposedly solved by letting the computer take over mid game.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.

Eh, if there were online statistics, there'd be a hell of a lotta whiners.

Smash_Brother said:
Vizion said:

Some players are beginners and may I want to play other beginners online. Some players are mediocre players and may want to play other mediocre players. It's not all about wanting to fight the best players online. I don't think it would be fun playing someone much worst or better than you. It would be convienent (instead of going to some website) to have matchups similiar to many online game websites like where I can choose a room based on skill level and see potential opponents' ranking and have the option to sprawl if he/she inclines.

I remember I used to go to to play checkers and improving my rating pushed me to be a better player. Sometimes I would play Grandmasters to learn from them, sometimes I would play weaker players to experiment. After several months I reached Grandmaster. I am pretty proud of that achievement. I think this is more rewarding to most people than achievement points. I also think people would be playing the game even more using such a match making concept. And isn't that would any developer want?

And geez, how is competing to have a high rating such a bad thing? It's not all about ego, but so what if it is?

Checkers /= SSBB.

Leaderboards for a game like this are a no-win situation and here's why:

A) The game has leaderboards which go by wins:losses ratio. Players use packet shapers to cheat and drop if they're going to lose by unplugging their router so it looks like the connection was lost.

B) The game has leaderboards which go by points. 13 year olds with no job, school or friends dominate the top because of sheer number of hours they can spend playing the game.

The best SSB players will still be determined by tournaments, as it's been in the past. They'll just be online tournaments this time around.


That's why online leaderboards are stupid.  That and people who are just naturally good get punished anyway.  My one friend keeps getting banned from wolfenstein servers because he's so good people think he hacks the game.  He's like one of the top 20 players... and likely way higher considering all the likely hacks.

The only online leaderboards that are worth anything are ones derived by officially monitered tournaments alone anyway. 

dgm6780 said:
does anyone understand percentages?

All the time in the world wont make your %'s any higher , unless you are playing at a really high level . Raw stats are pointless (as they are a measure of who has the most time), but comparing Wins v Losses, Kills v Deaths, K v D w/each weapon, W v L w/each character, Disconnect % are valid stats that a TOP NOTCH online game will keep and rank publicly. They measure your level of play and how much time you have spent in the game. A TOP NOTCH online game will also have a way of dealing with high disconnect % players, ie negative consequences and public consequences. Nintendo just plays it safe and kiddy when it comes to onlne play; they dont even try to make a TOP NOTCH online game
Do that and you punnish people who have poor connections.  Broadband wireless can still disconnect depending on where you have your wii.


Kasz216 said:
dgm6780 said:
does anyone understand percentages?

All the time in the world wont make your %'s any higher , unless you are playing at a really high level . Raw stats are pointless (as they are a measure of who has the most time), but comparing Wins v Losses, Kills v Deaths, K v D w/each weapon, W v L w/each character, Disconnect % are valid stats that a TOP NOTCH online game will keep and rank publicly. They measure your level of play and how much time you have spent in the game. A TOP NOTCH online game will also have a way of dealing with high disconnect % players, ie negative consequences and public consequences. Nintendo just plays it safe and kiddy when it comes to onlne play; they dont even try to make a TOP NOTCH online game
Do that and you punnish people who have poor connections. Broadband wireless can still disconnect depending on where you have your wii.


Especially for those in theBay Area that have Comcast. They're screwing around with us AGAIN. >.<