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dgm6780 said:
oh man if Calling All Cars only had stats!! Maybe people would still be playing it online. Would have taken that game from a 7.5 to a 9 in my book! I wish MK2 online had more detailed stats, like a breakdown of W/L for each character.

It amazes me how conservative Nintendo is when it comes to online. It's only a "plus" to diehard nintendo fanboys, serious gamers see the lack of online stats for the console's AAA multiplayer combat game as totally lame.

Define "serious gamers" for me. I have spent years gaming, and even spent a lot of time mastering certain games but have never cared about my win/loss stats. I have played probably thousands of games of Project Justice and could not tell you how many of those were wins and how many losses. I know I have won more than lost, but thats because I can beat my friends around whenever I want. I have had similar experiences with Culdcept, although I am not quite as dominant because I goof off a lot more in that game. I guess my question is whether or not spending hundreds of hours is enough to qualify for your serious gamers status. If it is, then your statment is over reaching. Neither me, nor most of the people I know care at all about our stats. Lacking online stat tracking is not as important to many "serious gamers" as you would lead others to believe.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229