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Forums - Sales Discussion - Warner paid 500$ to be BR exclusive !!!

I said a while back that Warner's move towards either camp would be the result of a large cash transfer because neither format is selling well enough at the moment for any company to be really happy with their sales ...

My only real question is, with how much companies are losing giving studios incentives and selling hardware at a loss how can they ever expect to break even on these formats?

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ssj12 said:
this is fake.. they denied this yesterda 

 Them denying it makes it fake?  Boy there are  a lot of innocent people in jails around the world then.


HappySqurriel said:

I said a while back that Warner's move towards either camp would be the result of a large cash transfer because neither format is selling well enough at the moment for any company to be really happy with their sales ...

My only real question is, with how much companies are losing giving studios incentives and selling hardware at a loss how can they ever expect to break even on these formats?

 yes but software-wise the Blu-ray version of their movies were selling 2 to 3 times as much as their HD-DVD brother so of course Warner dropped HD-DVD.

Anyways, I believe that Toshiba is losing way more then Sony is in the format war. Sony drops price when they cut manufacturing costs. Toshiba jsut dropped the price to the point that they could lose to much blood if something doesnt happen soon. 

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Kasz216 said:

ssj12 said:
this is fake.. they denied this yesterda 

 Them denying it makes it fake?  Boy there are  a lot of innocent people in jails around the world then.


 Warner went where the most money was. It's logical. HD-DVD was hindering them anyways. 

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
this is fake.. they denied this yesterday

Funny that you had/have no problem claiming MS bought out Paramount exclusivity despite how they denied those rumors in the exact same way.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

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It is hard to know who wrote that because there are 2 brothers and when I asked, I couldn't get a straight answer as to which one posts as HD NOW on highdefdigest or whether the 2 brothers both use the same account. But if it is the one who said just a couple of days ago that they would support whichever side Warner choose and would take down their website if Warner went to Blu-ray, then they lied.

Anybody who thinks the sales figures had nothing to do with this is confused IMO. Time Warner was offered large sums of money from both sides, from what I've heard. The key difference though is that Time Warner told Toshiba that they were not willing to switch to HD DVD exclusivity (even for money) unless Toshiba got another major studio to change. The difference was that Time Warner was willing to go to Blu-ray and get money. All the Blu-ray side had to do was keep the other studios as it was (the mix that was resulting in the current sales ratios). If HD DVD had been the one leading about 1.5:1 for disc sales in the US, with even bigger margins overseas, then Time Warner probably would have been willing to go to HD DVD exclusivity without any other big studios changing. But not with HD DVD behind like it has been.

Yes, the sums are big and would have been if Toshiba had gotten a big Blu-ray exclusive studio to change. But they failed at that, so given the current and projected sales situations, Toshiba couldn't even pay Time Warner to go to HD DVD on their own. Time Warner likely realized that a stalemate for at least a while is what would have likely resulted if they had gone that way, given the number of discs being sold for each side, and thus the number of players likely in use (counting all players in use, including PS3s used for Blu-ray movie playback).

I said I would be watching to see if HD NOW/rdjam would be true to his word. So far it is looking like he won't be. And using that there would money/incentives would just be a poor excuse, since anybody who has been following this should have known that both sides were offering money/incentives.


elnino334 said:
ok im sick of theWHo cares is not our money. If anything HD-DVD only made someone or a company lose half a million dollars out of their billions LOL. About time they got aggressive. Seriously Blu-ray aka Sony thought that they where just going to run shit without even trying. We all know digital distribution is where the future is headed so they lost a great opportunity to eliminate hd-dvd early on and now have to hope somehow Blue-ray takes off before digital distribution is here. It will become just like mp3's where people will just download things into their computer or TV etc and not want to deal with physical media.

ok im sick of this download movie shit. People ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. blu-ray will be the future intill EVERYONE gets high speed contection and Hardrive space. i mean how long has itunes been out and the CDs STILL sell better.

 movies its a lot different because im NOT gonna watch a 1080p movie on my 17inch pc. i will watch it on my 40 inch 1080p HD TV will sourrond sound and thats only possibile on blu-ray. and lastly itunes is out already and its popular. there is not ONE movie download service as popular as itunes and face it will all download our songs for free yet CDs STILL sell in the millions. Movies take longer and you need more space and our current broadband can hardly run Xbox live with out it failing (in the x-mas season google it if you havent heard) so huge downloads will not make a impact for another 10 years

My link says otherwise 

In reality, if it is true good for them. M$ was intentionaly dragging this thing out by taking exclusives away. BD is the better format and should win. Good for the BDA for bucking up and taking the steps to kill this stupid war and beat M$ at there own game. There is no need for two formats. All it does is create confusion and stop people from changing over to HD at all. Apple will be including BD drives in the products now as well, so HD-DVD should be out of our hair by the end of the year. Now I just hope M$ was dunb enough to put a HD-DVD inside there new SKU so they lose even more money and we can get rid of that POS 360 as well.

Isn't MGM owned by Sony?? In which case they would stay on bluray no matter what happened.