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elnino334 said:
ok im sick of theWHo cares is not our money. If anything HD-DVD only made someone or a company lose half a million dollars out of their billions LOL. About time they got aggressive. Seriously Blu-ray aka Sony thought that they where just going to run shit without even trying. We all know digital distribution is where the future is headed so they lost a great opportunity to eliminate hd-dvd early on and now have to hope somehow Blue-ray takes off before digital distribution is here. It will become just like mp3's where people will just download things into their computer or TV etc and not want to deal with physical media.

ok im sick of this download movie shit. People ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. blu-ray will be the future intill EVERYONE gets high speed contection and Hardrive space. i mean how long has itunes been out and the CDs STILL sell better.

 movies its a lot different because im NOT gonna watch a 1080p movie on my 17inch pc. i will watch it on my 40 inch 1080p HD TV will sourrond sound and thats only possibile on blu-ray. and lastly itunes is out already and its popular. there is not ONE movie download service as popular as itunes and face it will all download our songs for free yet CDs STILL sell in the millions. Movies take longer and you need more space and our current broadband can hardly run Xbox live with out it failing (in the x-mas season google it if you havent heard) so huge downloads will not make a impact for another 10 years