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Forums - Website Topics - 910,000 PS3s in Europe? I don't think so...

Australia alone has sold at least 30k of that missing 100k. 

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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It will be well over 100k elsewhere id say closer to 250k but no real figures exist for many of these places except maybe Australia and NZ so no point VGchartz adding numbers not reliable.

Proud owner of Ps4/3ds xl/pc/vita/wii u and others.

Gamer till I die

Hi Parl


Australia is categorized under "Others"and they are probably a good 5% of Europe's number. The other 5% can be easilly taken up by other developed nations(Korea, Singapore, Taiwan) and semi-developed nations(Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, India) in Asia.

I'm shocked how much people care about 100,000 units. Does it really make your day by "proving" wrong this site, which spends countless hours putting together data when you probably spent 20 minutes? Anyway 100,000 units is nothing. Frankly, the 6.5 million difference between 360s and PS3s sold is a miniscule difference. 5 years from now, even if that lead grows to 10 million, it doesn't matter. Why? B/c if MS is at 60 million and Sony's at 50 million, they're basically tied. No developer is going to want to neglect such huge chunks of the market. Think about if MS had been that close to Sony in the last generation. MS would've gotten a lot more software support making both systems pretty much equal. But that isn't really the point of this post. Point is, chill out over a meazly 100,000 units that may or may not have been sold in "Other" countries. It means nothing now and means nothing in the future.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

jmcoo7 said:
I think you should crawl back into your anti-sony pit mate , actual sales for this week were slighty over 14k so your a wee bit out . Christ will this anti sony nonsense stop how much is Bill Gates paying these morons .

 Joke post? A statistical analysis that uses numbers not made by myself is anti-Sony? PS3 dropped second week by 82% - we know that. Third week in UK, it dropped about 57%, we know that too. The percentage drop decreased, at that rate, the percentage drop decreased by about 30.1%. If the drop off the week after also followed this trend, or would have dropped PS3 by less than 57% and by 69.9% of 57%, instead.

Around the Network

Do you believe stats like that matter so early in a consoles life the original playstation would have been well off whats been sold so far and how many people do you know that have 500-600 pounds to spend on a games machine its done very well in the UK without question the big test is Xmas 07 not now or next week or the week after most of the years hardware is sold in the 3 months prior lets wait and see eh before you all jump on the ps3 is finished bandwagon . Oh and b4 you start ive both Wii and Ps3 so im no fanboy .


And yeah i was not serious hence the

Proud owner of Ps4/3ds xl/pc/vita/wii u and others.

Gamer till I die

jman8 said:

I'm shocked how much people care about 100,000 units. Does it really make your day by "proving" wrong this site, which spends countless hours putting together data when you probably spent 20 minutes? Anyway 100,000 units is nothing. Frankly, the 6.5 million difference between 360s and PS3s sold is a miniscule difference. 5 years from now, even if that lead grows to 10 million, it doesn't matter. Why? B/c if MS is at 60 million and Sony's at 50 million, they're basically tied. No developer is going to want to neglect such huge chunks of the market. Think about if MS had been that close to Sony in the last generation. MS would've gotten a lot more software support making both systems pretty much equal. But that isn't really the point of this post. Point is, chill out over a meazly 100,000 units that may or may not have been sold in "Other" countries. It means nothing now and means nothing in the future.

 I'm now confident in the number, but 100,000 happens to be 11.3%. Significant to me. But I'm amazed how you managed to interpret my intent, my motives and my level of appreciation for the work behind this site based on that post. Before ioi was banned on GAF, I often supported the use of estimated numbers, especially those of VGChartz, and on other forums, when discussions of sales estimations occur, I'd make my estimations and then state that ioi knows loads more than me and has lots and lots of different data to interpret and analyse in order to calculate what I believe to be the sales estimations with the most integrity in the public domain, bar none.

My intent was to help out with what I thought could have been something made more accurate. After I was put straight with what I overlooked, I no longer challenge it. I trust VGChartz as is fit in line with my own guestimations to a decent degree, I then disregarded mine and trust VGChartz over mine as I have less data to play with and the time I've spent estimating sales is nothing compared to the work on here.

jmcoo7 said:
It will be well over 100k elsewhere id say closer to 250k but no real figures exist for many of these places except maybe Australia and NZ so no point VGchartz adding numbers not reliable.

 *noticed avatar* Hey.

My bad, Parl. I definitely came off as a bit of an assclown. I've just read so many posts the last couple days/weeks with people thinking the numbers here are way off. Yeah, 11% is significant but in absolute terms, I still feel it means next to nothing. A couple 100,000 units here or there aren't gonna sway the VG industry very much in any direction. But again, my bad.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

jmcoo7 said:

Do you believe stats like that matter so early in a consoles life the original playstation would have been well off whats been sold so far and how many people do you know that have 500-600 pounds to spend on a games machine its done very well in the UK without question the big test is Xmas 07 not now or next week or the week after most of the years hardware is sold in the 3 months prior lets wait and see eh before you all jump on the ps3 is finished bandwagon . Oh and b4 you start ive both Wii and Ps3 so im no fanboy .


And yeah i was not serious hence the

 It's all we have to play with. I like videogame discussion, and sales discussion is a part of that interest. Stats show an amazing opening week for PS3, but it dropped off a lot and now it's hard to believe it's selling well at all now. I don't discuss fanboyism unless I notice a complete denial of relavant facts or obvious neglegence of important and alerting facts that would be misleading to leave out.

Ie, saying right now that 800,000 is great for the first 3 or 4 weeks is true. But saying that whilst being aware that 600,000 of that was the first week should sound some alarms for the rapid reduction in demand, however expected. There's no denying that about 170,000 in week 2 and 3 combined is actually low for system with no supply problems for the continant of Europe.