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jmcoo7 said:

Do you believe stats like that matter so early in a consoles life the original playstation would have been well off whats been sold so far and how many people do you know that have 500-600 pounds to spend on a games machine its done very well in the UK without question the big test is Xmas 07 not now or next week or the week after most of the years hardware is sold in the 3 months prior lets wait and see eh before you all jump on the ps3 is finished bandwagon . Oh and b4 you start ive both Wii and Ps3 so im no fanboy .


And yeah i was not serious hence the

 It's all we have to play with. I like videogame discussion, and sales discussion is a part of that interest. Stats show an amazing opening week for PS3, but it dropped off a lot and now it's hard to believe it's selling well at all now. I don't discuss fanboyism unless I notice a complete denial of relavant facts or obvious neglegence of important and alerting facts that would be misleading to leave out.

Ie, saying right now that 800,000 is great for the first 3 or 4 weeks is true. But saying that whilst being aware that 600,000 of that was the first week should sound some alarms for the rapid reduction in demand, however expected. There's no denying that about 170,000 in week 2 and 3 combined is actually low for system with no supply problems for the continant of Europe.