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Forums - General Discussion - Still think moon landing was fake? Images inside!


Do you think it happened?

Yes 92 69.17%
No 19 14.29%
Those images are fakes too. 22 16.54%
Netyaroze said:

Ok if you think it was faked then tell why. And do you believe the truth wont come out ? If yes why ? Wouldnt the US live in constant fear beeing discovered ? Also why has Russia done nothing to make this lie public ? Wouldnt you atleast agree that the US was on the moon placing the mirror and have telecommunication satellites around the moon so radiosignals recieved by radiotelescopes all over the world were able to recieve signals from the moon? Also do you suspect that all countries will back up this lie ? If yes why ?

If you dont want to talk about its fine. I am curios to read your answer though especially because you are a physicist. If you can explain yourself I will take back everything I said about people who believe that the moon landing was a fake and I might even change my current opinion about it.

The thread asked who thinks it was faked/not faked. 

I'm not going to open that can of shit. Sorry.

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Jumpin said:

The thing is, Earth is the only planet in the solar system that is capable of sustaining multicellular life. If people are afraid of an asteroid hitting the earth, then it would be FAR easier developing technology to prevent an asteroid from hitting the earth then it would be to terraform and travel to another planet. First of all, as far as science has shown, Earth is the only suitable planet for the survival of multicellular life.

The US put 19 billion into NASA this year, that's 19 billion the US couldn't afford, and 19 billion that could have gone A LOT further in developing useful pro-environmental technology. The best thing we have got out of NASA are margarine and tang; and was that really worth the 800 billion dollars that they have been funded over the decades?

@bolded. The problem is not developing such technology (there are many plans for that, from missiles to send satellites to collide with the asteroid). The big problem is finding those asteroid before they are too close to Earth to do anything.

Every now and then we hear news of asteroids that have passed "too close" to Earth, and they always said it that way, passed, because they have found them too late. What can be done to improve that? Building more telescopes and lots of satellites just to look for those rocks, which would also be very expensive.

Please excuse my bad English.

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