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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Will Halo 4 Be The Only Exclusive For The 360 Next Year... (Excluding Kinect)


Will Halo 4 Be The Only Exclusive For The 360 Next Year

Yes 8 32.00%
No 15 60.00%

As many of you may already know. Microsoft has not being doing too well recently as far as giving its core audience exclusives games to play on their Xbox-360. I know they are still trying to get casuals with the Kinect, But it does not look like they are doing as well as they had hoped with the whole Kinect tech promoting theory.

That being said 2012 is not looking too bright for Microsoft. With Japan beginning the stages of phasing out the 360 in most of its retail shops and with Microsoft being the only 1 out of the big 3 to not give its console a price drop yet.

I also just got done doing some research and I found a rather startling discovery. Excluding the Kinect games, Halo 4 is the only announced exclusive for the 360 in 2012.

I know it’s still too early to say it will be the only exclusive for the 360 in 2012, but I don’t think we will see much next year. Forza and Gears both come out this year so we will almost certainly not see a sequel for them next year. The next fable game was confirmed to only be playable on Kinect.

Only two franchises I can think of that may get another sequel is Alan-Wake and Crackdown 2. But after looking out there sales I doubt we will see a sequel to those either.

So the question at hand is, Is this drought of exclusives going to get worse for the 360 when next year starts?? Or will MS suprise us with something big up their sleeve for their gamers..

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No good can come of this... none.
You ask an inflammatory question which you know the answer for is different than the one in the title...

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Xen said:
No good can come of this... none.
You ask an inflammatory question which you know the answer for is different than the one in the title...

thread reported...

If making a thread about a consoles future hurts your feelings, i suggest you take some serious therapy...


This thread is a know.

Anyway, I will try to answer your question.

Will it be the XBOX 360's only exclusive? NO
Will it be the XBOX 360's only AAA exclusive? POSSIBLY

Not a bad thread. Come on guys we need some fire around here on VGChartz. These boards have been soo boring lately. Anyways I think it will probably be Microsoft's only AAA exclusive next year. If there was going to be another huge game for next year it probably would have been announced by now to rack up pre orders.

Around the Network

You can count on "ThePS3News" to keep you up to date on latest and greatest 360 news on exlcusives.

To you have a blog or a twitter account 360 owners can subscribe to to hear relevant information about their consoles?

From the top of my head.

Witcher 2
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor (hybrid controls with kinect and controller)
Ryse (You can use a control and/or kinect)
Fable The journey (Kinect game)
Star Wars Kinect
Project Draco (kinect game)
Halo 4

All the games I mentioned are "core" titles except maybe Star Wars. Maybe next time you should do a little more research.

On-topic: No

Off-topic: That woody picture will haunt my dreams forever

What can I say, it makes me laugh.

smroadkill15 said:
From the top of my head.

Witcher 2
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor (hybrid controls with kinect and controller)
Ryse (You can use a control and/or kinect)
Fable The journey (Kinect game)
Star Wars Kinect
Project Draco (kinect game)
Halo 4

All the games I mentioned are "core" titles except maybe Star Wars. Maybe next time you should do a little more research.

Just because they are Kinect games with a remotely core theme doesn't mean they will be any good.

As for Witcher 2, that's an interesting one, I don't know much about the game or whether it is AAA material but it could be another significant exclusive for the XBOX 360 in 2012.

smroadkill15 said:
From the top of my head.

Witcher 2
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor (hybrid controls with kinect and controller)
Ryse (You can use a control and/or kinect)
Fable The journey (Kinect game)
Star Wars Kinect
Project Draco (kinect game)
Halo 4

All the games I mentioned are "core" titles except maybe Star Wars. Maybe next time you should do a little more research.

*Facepalm* After reading the first game you wrote i think i can safely say you are either a really bad reader or a really good sidestepper.

I will repeat the OP Title for you. This time on Bold Caps.  :)

Will Halo 4 Be The Only Exclusive For The 360 Next Year (Excluding Kinect)

Every game you mentioned is either a multiplat or an kinect exclusive.