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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can PS3 still win this generation and outsell Wii?


Please read thread before polling and this is just a prediction as of business strategies as of now

Yes,as far as current plans go 57 21.67%
No,as far as current plans go 125 47.53%
Yes,even if ninty changes... 14 5.32%
no,ninty will cause Sony to rethink 67 25.48%

Not with a $99 price point, Zelda etc. It will likely sell another 20mil at least unless they discontinue the Wii, and they won't. The PS3 may have another 50mil in it (it doesn't but go with it), even that wouldn't be good enough. So no. Anyone who says otherwise are lying or overly hopeful ;)


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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When they go past the 360 then we'll talk about the Wii.

scottie said:
PS3-Wii gap = 35.5 million

PS3 sales last week = 126 580

Lets say that Wii sales instantly drop to 0. The Wii is immediately discontinued! Lets also imagine that the PS3 sees a sustained boost due to the price cut, christmas etc. Lets give it a 30% boost from last week in total sales. This would give it weekly sales of 164 554. This would require 216 weeks for the PS3 to outsell the Wii. This would put the PS3 ahead sometime in October 2015.

Really people, the fact that anyone voted yes is shameful/

Sony predicts they will ship 15 milions PS3 in 2011, Nintendo predicts 13 iirc after already adjusting it down after Q1 but they will likely fail to ship that many and finish 2011 fiscal with 9-10 milions.  In 2012 after Wii-U starts Sony will score another 12-13 milion year (maybe even 15 if they cut price to 200$) while Nintendo is unlikely to do more than 6-7.

After that PS3 will shave a few milions each year PS2 style - Sony has expanded markets to sustain sales for next 5-6 years Nintendo doesn't.

Imho it's only a matter of time before PS3 outsells both Wii and X360 through we will be long into next gen when it actually happens.


Really unlikly. Even assuming the Wii drops dead when Wii U releases and PS3 lasts as long as PS2 in emerging markets it seems a stretch. However, the gap will be smaller as the PS3 does look set to have a longer tail. The 360 may also close the gap some too, although I'm less sure about it's tail than PS3 as the 360 sells most in countries that move earliest to new tech it seems.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Zlejedi said:
scottie said:

Sony predicts they will ship 15 milions PS3 in 2011, Nintendo predicts 13 iirc after already adjusting it down after Q1 but they will likely fail to ship that many and finish 2011 fiscal with 9-10 milions.  In 2012 after Wii-U starts Sony will score another 12-13 milion year (maybe even 15 if they cut price to 200$) while Nintendo is unlikely to do more than 6-7.

After that PS3 will shave a few milions each year PS2 style - Sony has expanded markets to sustain sales for next 5-6 years Nintendo doesn't.

Imho it's only a matter of time before PS3 outsells both Wii and X360 through we will be long into next gen when it actually happens.

Current gap 35.5 million


Going by your (bizzare) predictions

Gap after fiscal 2011 = 29.5-30.5 mill

Gap after fiscal 2012 = 22.5 - 25.5 mill

Going by your 'a few millions a year', and taking that to mean 3 million gap/year that will put the PS3 ahead some time in 2020 if the gap is 22.5, or 2021 if it is 25.5. Do you honestly think that the PS3 will be selling 3 million in 2021?

Seriously. Think about this before you post.

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But the gap will drop for sure... and PS3 may pass 90 million too.

Rol said it all already.






scottie said:
PS3-Wii gap = 35.5 million

PS3 sales last week = 126 580

Lets say that Wii sales instantly drop to 0. The Wii is immediately discontinued! Lets also imagine that the PS3 sees a sustained boost due to the price cut, christmas etc. Lets give it a 30% boost from last week in total sales. This would give it weekly sales of 164 554. This would require 216 weeks for the PS3 to outsell the Wii. This would put the PS3 ahead sometime in October 2015.

Really people, the fact that anyone voted yes is shameful/

Include a few years worth of holiday sales (around 700k in the hottest weeks), and the fact that Sony will still support the PS3 in the BRIC countries (especially India) years after the PS4 has launched, and you'll come to the conclusion that there is a small chance.

Sure, it is very unlikely, but its not a ludacris suggestion.

There's a higher chance of Wii topping PS2. I'd bet that PS3 won't even beat Wii's current sales.
I seriously don't get why some people are so stubbornly deluded. This "PS3 beats Wii" ideology has been extremely popular since forever without ever actually being possible.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

Immortal said:
There's a higher chance of Wii topping PS2. I'd bet that PS3 won't even beat Wii's current sales.
I seriously don't get why some people are so stubbornly deluded. This "PS3 beats Wii" ideology has been extremely popular since forever without ever actually being possible.
