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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can PS3 still win this generation and outsell Wii?


Please read thread before polling and this is just a prediction as of business strategies as of now

Yes,as far as current plans go 57 21.67%
No,as far as current plans go 125 47.53%
Yes,even if ninty changes... 14 5.32%
no,ninty will cause Sony to rethink 67 25.48%

No, absolutely impossible. That is one of the silliest stuff I've heard in weeks.

Then again, Nintendo have been masters at screwing up this year.

Around the Network

I wish, but it ain't happening.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.


@ Claims that people thought the PS3 was domed at launch

 - May 2008

The optimism in the O.P. is so cute! I remember when I was that age. So young and naive! I believed in such things too! Like, when my puppy got ran over and my mom told me that he would come back, I would look out of my window every night, trying to catch a glimpse of him! Oh, what I wouldn't give to be seven years old and innocent, again.

*someone whispers in my ear*

EIGHTEEN!! You gotta be kiddin' me! Bwaa haaa haaaa! HAAAA HAAAA!! Woo. *wipes a tear* Oh, man. That was halarious!

PS3-Wii gap = 35.5 million

PS3 sales last week = 126 580

Lets say that Wii sales instantly drop to 0. The Wii is immediately discontinued! Lets also imagine that the PS3 sees a sustained boost due to the price cut, christmas etc. Lets give it a 30% boost from last week in total sales. This would give it weekly sales of 164 554. This would require 216 weeks for the PS3 to outsell the Wii. This would put the PS3 ahead sometime in October 2015.

Really people, the fact that anyone voted yes is shameful/

Around the Network

Only if Ninty stops the Wii's production really soon,which is highly unlikely.

No, the PS3 won't reach lifetime what the Wii has sold today. Anyone who believes it's possible is just giving MS & NIN fanboys ammo for the future. 

Math can answer your question:

The overall gap between the two consoles is 35.5M right now. In the few weeks since PS3 has started outselling the Wii, the best gap it achieved was 19,320. If we're (very) generous and pretend it'll achieve this gap every week from now on and if we say Nintendo releases the Wii U in 32 weeks (end of March 2012) and immediately stops selling Wiis right after the release. We get the following scenario:

On March 28th 2012, the gap would be at 34,881,760. If we go with Sony's ten year plan, PS3 will have to sell an average of 8,720,000 consoles a year, with competition from new generation consoles from Nintendo, Microsoft and eventually Sony themselves.

So math says no.

Signature goes here!

No it won't happen, but not because of Nintendo. It's because of Microsoft, the X360 and its target are too similar to the Ps3, so no matter what kind promotion or game offer Sony will come out with, Microsoft will likely manage to split up the demand.

Nope it cannot unless the Wii stops selling now and the PS3 continues to sell great for the next 5-10 years.