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Forums - General Discussion - What does being athiest mean to you?

snakenobi said:

Alot of VGCians call themselves atheist but what does it really mean to you?

It seems alot of people are calling them atheist these days but they don't know what it mean to be one.

They do it as they believe in the modern culture and want to be a part of it.Many also do it as they think themselves to be knowledgeable being one as alot of scientist call themselves atheist.

Alot of people who call themselves atheist think of the big bang as creation but never question it which itself means that you are not an atheist and think that the day we die the world ends for us and we will be no more than stardust.


The problem here is that atheist mainly go according to the order of the things in our world and how we give material things so much importance.We never realize the consciousness that is at play and if the order of things was correct then life has to reincarnate as that will be the cycle.

So please tell us in detail what it means to be an atheist and how is life supposed to be functional without reincarnation or how it just continues to be how it is

It means that a person believes there is no God.

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FinalEvangelion said:
It means that I don't believe in a supernatural power or being that can break natural laws.

Don't know. But I do know that life doesn't happen because a bolt of lighting struck some green slime.

pezus said:
snakenobi said:
pezus said:

1. "GOD" is a man made concept as well

the way most people think of it,yes

the way people who have deeply thought of it,no

mostly all relgious people think there is GOD and thats it,they don't think what it means of why it is there

mostly people in higher place in physics and religion know that there needs to be a reason,conciousness,creation

2. Conservation of Energy (

sure,but that just this world and the way we perceive it.

go read more of quantum physics,conciousness,etc

energy is only a way to measure,why it is there and how it will transend is beyond us


1. Same could be said about Heaven & Hell and all that you mentioned earlier. Most people think (/know...really) that they are man made concepts, but those who truly believe in them think they're not man made.

sure,there knowledge of afterlife is true but the ay people perceive it as good or bad(hell) isn't true.

Aquietguy said:
snakenobi said:

Alot of VGCians call themselves atheist but what does it really mean to you?

It seems alot of people are calling them atheist these days but they don't know what it mean to be one.

They do it as they believe in the modern culture and want to be a part of it.Many also do it as they think themselves to be knowledgeable being one as alot of scientist call themselves atheist.

Alot of people who call themselves atheist think of the big bang as creation but never question it which itself means that you are not an atheist and think that the day we die the world ends for us and we will be no more than stardust.


The problem here is that atheist mainly go according to the order of the things in our world and how we give material things so much importance.We never realize the consciousness that is at play and if the order of things was correct then life has to reincarnate as that will be the cycle.

So please tell us in detail what it means to be an atheist and how is life supposed to be functional without reincarnation or how it just continues to be how it is

It means that a person believes there is no God.

thats very narrow thinking which most people stop at

atheist or not,life and world has to have started someday

pearljammer said:

maverick40 said:

haha that was funny. I don't feel superior to both at all. As a scientist i need proof about all these things and there is no proof that god does or doesn't exist.

In the context of science though, there cannot be proof of the nonexistance of something. Asking one to do so with the consequence of calling them ignorant (as you did in your first post) is highly unfair.

Not making unproven assumptions is what makes somebody atheist. I don't think any (reasonable) atheist would argue that there is no chance of there being any diety, intervening or not - just simply that from what we know, that is highly unlikely and that there is absolutely no reason to make the assumption that there is.

But scientific proof is rather cyclical not only in our immediate past but obviously our distant past. I am no scientist but i do take a general interest in things such as astronomy and what i constantly read is the ability to define or discover things is only relavent to our current knowledge at that snapshot in time. To me a great scientist doesnt belittle others with their "science" and they readily admit that  science is merely the skyscraper built on the basis of what we consider fact at this time based on our knowledge of the universe. If something were to shift that base the skyscraper would wither crumble or need to be rebuilt at some point, thus our science at this time is dependent on the actual base at this time...and its by no means a permanent base.

The fact that we are able to view galaxies as they were nearly 10 billion years ago based on their distance, that there are billions of galaxies like ours in existance that our galaxy is over 100 million light years large and we are in 2015 just going to have a drone near pluto, the dwarf planet on the edge of our solar system, to me shows how much more our "science" will change.

Each generation is fixed on an ever distant part of this universe. Imagine how much has changed from the 1700's to now. That is predicted to exponentially increased in 300 years based on the advancement in technology. Hell, even the aforementioned number of galaxies or distances between them, movement of them, expansion of the universe may change in the future based on what we discover...

All these things considered it reminds me of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. When Zaphod is captured and put into the machine which actually shows him how insignifcant he is in the scope of the entire universe....and hes the only one to survive based on his ego. Science is well and good and great in context of current knowledge, but acting like its not evolving or moveing and/or changing at the expense of others is rather unscientific.

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Aquietguy said:



FinalEvangelion said:
It means that I don't believe in a supernatural power or being that can break natural laws.

Don't know. But I do know that life doesn't happen because a bolt of lighting struck some green slime.

lol well said

snakenobi said:
FinalEvangelion said:
It means that I don't believe in a supernatural power or being that can break natural laws.

yea cause if its only possible through god or 1 being, how can it be possible.

did he create himself and if so how is that possible, how can one just become something without something to make it become, someone or anything for that matter.

that unknown dimension beyond human comprehension is called GOD

if we go by the science theory then BIG BANG was the first event and they think there was nothing before that.

there has to be some beginning

ok then who made the beginning, and who made the person or god that made the beginning? couldn't make his self. nothing just happens. there has to be something behind it even the creation of this so called god.

BIG BANG the scientific method says world started 13.7billion years ago and there was nothing before it,they don't question and just keep on living which is hard,this is where all the laws of reasoning and cause come into place

GOD is the unknown dimension before that or the universe itself is GOD and that world was itself created perfect that will sustain life for eternity or GOD itself will continue to lead life as in that case we are GOD

snakenobi said:
snakenobi said:
FinalEvangelion said:
It means that I don't believe in a supernatural power or being that can break natural laws.

yea cause if its only possible through god or 1 being, how can it be possible.

did he create himself and if so how is that possible, how can one just become something without something to make it become, someone or anything for that matter.

that unknown dimension beyond human comprehension is called GOD

if we go by the science theory then BIG BANG was the first event and they think there was nothing before that.

there has to be some beginning

ok then who made the beginning, and who made the person or god that made the beginning? couldn't make his self. nothing just happens. there has to be something behind it even the creation of this so called god.

BIG BANG the scientific method says world started 13.7billion years ago and there was nothing before it,they don't question and just keep on living which is hard,this is where all the laws of reasoning and cause come into place

GOD is the unknown dimension before that or the universe itself is GOD and that world was itself created perfect that will sustain life for eternity or GOD itself will continue to lead life as in that case we are GOD

i'm mad now cause you ended it. i was having fun until you just said something i agree with and can't argue. thats just messed up. for the record i don't beleive half of wht i said.

as you can tell i question everything. even wht i believe. so how did we creat our selves (here we go again).

I'm not an atheist, but my current belief would probably follow pantheism.

I think that atheism means more to people who believe in an Abrahamic religion than those who do not. I don't know why it gets such a negative connotation from those people. It's a pretty simple term really, that atheists just follow traditional human morals. The interpretation of religious texts change based on societal moral beliefs anyway.


patheism? sounds like something i ate last night. are you sure we didn't just become like this so called god? that this didn't just happen? that all the peices didn't just fall into place all at once (we are not alone) for these remarkable things we call life and death? how are we suppose to beleive that there's only one god when all signs and religions point to several gods before the birth of christianity which resulted in a god and a mangod/demi god?

before christianity there were different culture so different interpretation of GOD

that showcases human conciousness that we can imagin so much

destiney is wht you make of it.

so patheism means that god made himself become of his own which makes no sence. thats crazyer than i claim to be. nothing can just make its self.

that cause factor behind every factor is only limited to this world.

ok. can't say i don't beleve in something. so do we exsist in god? that would actualy make more sence to me.

we could say we are a part of GOD not exist in it as intelligence and conciousness came from some event

god is called god(don't fill like putting it god in caps its to early)cuse its just somebodies name that lived in BC not because he truely exsist, and has know power. his son was just some crazy man going around telling lies. paying a man that was a street bum that pretended he was blind to get money from the locals to say he could now see because the merical of god when it was the merical of money.

GOD is just a title

his son was not crazy man,its just that we and the soceity we from.we think narrowly of GOD

Christ is messenger or a form of GOD.

most people think of GOD as a man with superhero power and power of creating so people think of GOD as cool or just a person to ask for a CAR or MONEY or WOMEN,etc

the propaganda of todays powerful figures thanking god when they worship the devil and do his bidding. the self righteous pigs and there propaganda are the only things that shapes our lives not some invisable entity, and anyone saying they've seen god has a chemical inbalance in there head and should go get that checked by a doctor and then a shrink.

it isn't a propaganda,its just that people don't understand them

also propaganda is a way of making society better not shaping our lives,its just that humans go against it and are rebellious

for example from the eye of a poor world is more that what he has and that person wants to get more money or the world to be equal but from eye of rich life,life is about enjoying and just a phase

all this god stuff was made up and cairred down through generations of powerful men to scare you into thing one way or another hins the fear and now the blind followers of these religions continue to beleive in something that never exsisted.

totally wrong

poor and weak think of rich and powerfull people as evil and someone who just wants to maintain his enjoyment and status

but when you are rich all those things don't matter,even they have the same curiosity and life to explore like everybody.things which interest them and blow their mind are different

god hasn't given me any powers. once again god is propaganda. 

the power that you can work and do anything is itself a power.we just think of miracle as power not anything else